The Amazing Adventures of Moko Toa

32 Titles

The forces of darkness have gathered to bring Ranginui and Papatuanuku together again, ending the world of light as we know it. The forces of light desperately seek a hero. Instead, they get a street-wise Maori boy, Hori, who is transformed into the ancient Maori superhero, Moko Toa.

Latest Titles
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
Programme Name
  • The Amazing Adventures of Moko Toa
  • Maori Television
  • Maori Television Service
  • The forces of darkness have gathered to bring Ranginui and Papatuanuku together again, ending the world of light as we know it. The forces of light desperately seek a hero. Instead, they get a street-wise Maori boy, Hori, who is transformed into the ancient Maori superhero, Moko Toa.