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This is the remarkable story of the most unlikely art forgers in history. Together, Shaun Greenhalgh (47) his father George (84) and mother Olive (83) ran what the police described as the most diverse and prolific art forgery operation they have ever seen. Over a 20 year period the family made an unprecedented range of fakes from modern masterpieces to ancient sculptures, all produced in their garden shed. The fakes they made duped the experts of the British Museum, Tate Modern, Henry Moore Institute, Chicago\'s Institute of Art and the great auction houses of Sotheby\'s and Christie\'s. Despite having made a fortune from selling dozens of fakes all over the world the family still lived in squalor, cut off from the outside world. So who are the Artful Codgers? Why did they do it? And what does their story say about the art world they so successfully deceived?

Primary Title
  • The Artful Codgers
Date Broadcast
  • Thursday 10 June 2010
Release Year
  • 2008
Start Time
  • 09 : 30
Finish Time
  • 10 : 30
  • 60:00
  • Arts Channel
  • Sky Network Television
Programme Description
  • This is the remarkable story of the most unlikely art forgers in history. Together, Shaun Greenhalgh (47) his father George (84) and mother Olive (83) ran what the police described as the most diverse and prolific art forgery operation they have ever seen. Over a 20 year period the family made an unprecedented range of fakes from modern masterpieces to ancient sculptures, all produced in their garden shed. The fakes they made duped the experts of the British Museum, Tate Modern, Henry Moore Institute, Chicago\'s Institute of Art and the great auction houses of Sotheby\'s and Christie\'s. Despite having made a fortune from selling dozens of fakes all over the world the family still lived in squalor, cut off from the outside world. So who are the Artful Codgers? Why did they do it? And what does their story say about the art world they so successfully deceived?
  • Unknown
Owning Collection
  • Television Vault
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • No
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
  • Arts
  • Art--Forgeries
  • Documentary films--Great Britain
  • Art
  • Documentary
  • Jim Carter (Narrator)
  • Nick Hornby (Director)
  • Nick Hornby (Writer)
  • Amy Flanagan (Producer)
  • Channel 4 Television Corporation (Production Unit)
  • Arts
  • Art--Forgeries
  • Documentary films--Great Britain