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The mid-1920s saw the rise of the eugenics movement where supposedly scientific justifications were given to validate racist attitudes. A central tenet for eugenicists was that racial mixing would lead to bad breeding and contribute to the degeneracy of the country: morally, physically and intellectually. Simply put, mixed race people were considered as inferior in every sense and science would prove why this was so.We hear from the children of mixed marriages who recall being prodded and poked, having their heads measured and the colour of their skin, eyes and hair recorded in an attempt to find a correlation between race and intelligence. Such work, it was hoped, would give the UK a reason to follow the lead of many other countries and implement anti-miscegenation laws to rule mixed marriages as illegal. Presented by George Alagiah ; series produced and directed by Fatima Salaria.

Primary Title
  • Mixed Britannia
Secondary Title
  • 1910-1939
Date Broadcast
  • Friday 14 January 2011
Start Time
  • 13 : 00
Finish Time
  • 13 : 25
  • 25:00
  • 2
  • BBC World News
  • British Broadcasting Corporation
Programme Description
  • The mid-1920s saw the rise of the eugenics movement where supposedly scientific justifications were given to validate racist attitudes. A central tenet for eugenicists was that racial mixing would lead to bad breeding and contribute to the degeneracy of the country: morally, physically and intellectually. Simply put, mixed race people were considered as inferior in every sense and science would prove why this was so.We hear from the children of mixed marriages who recall being prodded and poked, having their heads measured and the colour of their skin, eyes and hair recorded in an attempt to find a correlation between race and intelligence. Such work, it was hoped, would give the UK a reason to follow the lead of many other countries and implement anti-miscegenation laws to rule mixed marriages as illegal. Presented by George Alagiah ; series produced and directed by Fatima Salaria.
  • Unknown
Owning Collection
  • Television Vault
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • No
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
  • Interracial marriage--Great Britain.
  • Documentary
Course Codes
  • GEOG 305
  • George Alagiah (Host)
  • Fatima Salaria (Producer)
  • Fatima Salaria (Director)
  • BBC (Production Unit)
  • Interracial marriage--Great Britain.