Dr. Michael Bassett, Senior Lecturer in History, and Professor Keith Sinclair, Department of History (both at The University of Auckland) talk about "Modern Labour" and the notion among students that Labour does not have much to offer in the domestic field and also what the differences each of the political parties actually are.

Princes Street Labour is a branch of the New Zealand Labour Party in Auckland. Founded on 1 March 1960, the Auckland Central University branch is one of the University's oldest clubs. It ran regular talks, lectures, and debates. This was a live event organised by the Princes Street branch, and recorded by Professor Robert Chapman from the Department of Political Studies.

Primary Title
  • Talk: Modern Labour
Date Broadcast
  • Tuesday 30 September 1969
  • 48:41
  • Chapman Archive
  • The University of Auckland Library
Programme Description
  • Princes Street Labour is a branch of the New Zealand Labour Party in Auckland. Founded on 1 March 1960, the Auckland Central University branch is one of the University's oldest clubs. It ran regular talks, lectures, and debates. This was a live event organised by the Princes Street branch, and recorded by Professor Robert Chapman from the Department of Political Studies.
Episode Description
  • Dr. Michael Bassett, Senior Lecturer in History, and Professor Keith Sinclair, Department of History (both at The University of Auckland) talk about "Modern Labour" and the notion among students that Labour does not have much to offer in the domestic field and also what the differences each of the political parties actually are.
  • Not Classified
Owning Collection
  • Chapman Archive
Broadcast Platform
  • Radio
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • Yes
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
  • Politics
  • Michael Bassett (Speaker)
  • Professor Keith Sinclair (Speaker)