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Join the Seven Sharp team as they present the stories of the day from around New Zealand, live, five nights a week.

Primary Title
  • Seven Sharp
Date Broadcast
  • Thursday 19 October 2017
Start Time
  • 19 : 00
Finish Time
  • 19 : 30
  • 30:00
  • TVNZ 1
  • Television New Zealand
Programme Description
  • Join the Seven Sharp team as they present the stories of the day from around New Zealand, live, five nights a week.
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  • Chapman Archive
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  • Television
  • English
Captioning Languages
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • Yes
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  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
Jacinda is the youngest New Zealander in 100 years. THE SUSPENSE IS OVER; NZ IS NO LONGER WAITING FOR WINSTON PETERS. That is why we chose a coalition government with New Zealand First in the Labour Party. YES, IN THE LAST HOUR, OUR NEW GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN REVEALED. WE'RE LIVE TO THE BEEHIVE FOR ALL THE REACTION. PLUS, THE BROTHER-SISTER DUO TAKING ON THE BIG GUY BY HELPING TO SOLVE A VERY MESSY PARENTING PROBLEM. HELPS TO ALSO ELIMINATE POO EXPLOSIONS. AND FINDING INSPIRATION IN FRIENDSHIP. I'M SURE MY FRIENDS WILL CALL ME UP AND BE LIKE, 'WAIT A MINUTE.' (CHUCKLES) WHY CARA DELEVINGNE SHOULD PROBABLY DEDICATE HER NEW BOOK TO HER MATES. 1 NEWS CAPTIONS BY ALEX WALKER AND FAITH HAMBLYN CAPTIONS BY SHRUTIKA GUNANAYAGAM AND JAMES BROWN. CAPTIONS WERE MADE WITH THE SUPPORT OF NZ ON AIR. COPYRIGHT ABLE 2017 This thing is very very fluid. It is most extraordinary. He was very specific as to what the jobs were aand the policies in the 1990s. We do not have any of the details at the moment. It is a coalition between Labour and New Zealand First. There is no sign yet that the Greens have signed off on this. Corin Dann is in the Beehive. The Greens had booked a teleconference with their delegates. That is a 75% vote that they need there. You would not expect there would be a problem. Jacinda Arden would not have been able to put a gel on the table unless she was able to give Winston Peters the assurance that the Greens would back this. I do not think there will be problems with the Greens rubberstamping this. From where they have come from, they will be a static that they are now in a position where they will have some real power. we still do not know if they are in cabinet and the rest of the make up. We do not. It is extraordinary that Winston Peters is not telling us that. Jacinda Arden will hold a press conference tonight. There are so many unanswered questions tonight. Winston Peters is leaving those to her around the ministerial positions, how many New Zealand First will have got. I would think they would be in the region around four. You have to think economic development is right up there and maybe even finance. Actually, he ruled that out. He will not be the Minister of Finance, bbut you can expect some pretty powerful positions there. I think it was an extraordinary conference from Winston Peters. He wants that economic change that he has been fighting against 425, 38 years. This looks like it is his legacy to try and make that change. Here is Winston Peters. Any forecast would see that` and the Treasury has been announcing that for a long time except it has never come to fruition. Maybe it is a palliative to those were concerned. We need to ensure that we have a much more accurate and certain immigration stream of skills and excellence and genuine export education I think the premise could say more about that, but those are two things that we agreed upon and that should have a profound effect on change. I do not think it is going to have any concern for the people out and parts of New Zealand who desperately need skilled workers. The number of not skilled workers concerned us. The caucus was not quite unanimous. He is telling us very little at the moment. Let us go back to Corin. The delay you are suggesting in the news that something went wrong there? As he been playing us for most of the day? his ability to force extra concessions out of both these parties will be the great untold story that people will be trying to force out. A leak suggested that National was pushing back against more ministerial positions. That was perhaps a leak from National. I am not saying that it was. That might have been them saying that they were prepared to go that far to give Winston what he wanted. He could have four and cabinet, New Zealand First. One outside. That is five. For a party of nine people. Labour will have to explain how they gave all that up. It is not going to be easy. It was a negotiation. They obviously felt that that was what they were able to offer it was a chance to be in government after nine years of opposition. It is fair to say that there were more policy similarities between Labour New Zealand First. It would have been slightly easier for Labour to give ground on the reserve Bank act, one of those pillars which Winston Peters wants to have a go at in terms of his concerns of the excesses of capitalism. The Labour Party had a similar policy to a certain extent. It was going to be a bit easier on policy they nationally, sso that would have made that job easier. It was just something that Labour decided was worth it to get into power. You could argue that I did decision would have made sense, but when you look at policy, is that he talked about the dollar down New Zealand first and Labour are very tight on immigration. They were talking just before you cut me on export education. That is where I think he is making moves. There will be businesses tonight that will be worried about any sort of substantial cut to immigration. I think the immigration cycle was probably going to be easing off anyway. I thought it was a pretty gloomy outlook from Winston Peters tonight. The global economy is not looking too bad. The New Zealand economy is slowing a bit. He painted a picture of a doomsday situation and then try to say that if there is some kind of crisis, do not Blame our says a new government. It was a bleak outlook. There are plenty of Rex. I thought it was interesting that he put such a negative spin on it from the start. I think it is going to be a lot easier to manage him and I think he is a lot closer to the decision-making. In terms of being in that coalition, if he has ministers in that cabinet, so whatever decision that cabinet makes, they all on the decision, and I think that is the key here. He has gone on whole hog. It is not an idea that he will set off to the side and play a second role. He will be very active, because he will be an cabinet. This evening continues to unfold. Welcome back to the seven sharp special. It has been an amazing weight. The announcement came about 25 minutes ago. New Zealand Labour Party green coalition. The green part still needs to be signed. With the Labour Party tonight, as Katie Bradford. When do we see the new premise to? I think any minute now. I am up here on the Labour floors, and I have been able to hear a lot of cheering And crying and hugging. After nine years in opposition, this is a result they could have only dreamt of until tonight. Jacinda Arden is trying to compose herself right now. She is speaking with her staff and so forth. As to when she was told by Winston Peters, her staff were unable to tell me how soon before he did the press conference that she found out. They are unsure of the time there. There are a lot of happy people up here on the Labour floors. I can see Willie Jackson on the phone behind you. We do not know when she knew, but there were a couple of Lexus afternoon. There was clapping early on. What do we know about her making the announcement about policy and things that Winston Peters didn't tell us? He was saying that it is up to her to give that information, which is something we will be waiting on. It seemed very unclear whether he or she will make that announcement. Those issues might be being worked through. Really trying to work out how they handle this. Do they want to release all that information now? I do not think we will see that policy detail until tomorrow. Hopefully we would see tonight who those portfolios will go to. Given that short notice, we have known that all day that these negotiations have been going back and forth. People have been running around Parliament. It seems like a lot of that has been made right to the last minute. That green aspect there, I understand James Shaw will be holding a press conference straight after labours. I know there was going to be a conference call earlier. It will just be a matter of signing off that agreement that Labour and the Greens had in place. We are now into the realm of speculation. The Greens would be expecting a place in cabinet, so that means Peters has acquiesced to them being in cabinet. What a max. You have to wonder how some of the Labour Mps will have been sitting on the back benches and opposition for nine years waiting to become a minister. Now the issue is is whether the Greens will become ministers outside of cabinet. Whether they are happy with that, whether they take the win because they have been so desperate for that Labour-Greens government that they take that for the next three years, and things may change after the the next three years. Something from James Shaw. Bill English will probably leave politics as a result of this. We have not heard from him. We have a new government, but we have no idea what the policies four concessions are. It is the most extraordinary night. Winston Peters has gone for change. Jacinda Arden is one of the youngest Prime Minister's. JUST A FEW WEEKS AGO THE PROSPECT WAS UNTHINKABLE, WITH LABOUR LANGUISHING IN THE POLLS. POLITICAL REPORTER KATIE BRADFORD LOOKS AT HER DRAMATIC RISE TO POWER. THE 1ST OF AUGUST, AND JACINDA ARDERN BECOMES LABOUR LEADER, REPLACING ANDREW LITTLE FOLLOWING ANDREW'S ANNOUNCEMENT THIS MORNING, I WAS NOMINATED TO BE LEADER OF LABOUR AND WAS ELECTED UNANIMOUSLY. SHE FIRST ENTERED PARLIAMENT AS A LIST MP IN 2008. I, JACINDA ARDERN, SOLEMNLY SWEAR... THE NOW-MT ALBERT MP PAID TRIBUTE TO HER POLITICAL IDOL IN HER MAIDEN SPEECH. HELEN CLARK, THERE ARE MANY REASONS WHY I JOINED THE LABOUR PARTY BUT IT WAS HELEN WHO MADE ME PROUD TO BE A MEMBER. MY GENERATION GREW UP UNDER YOUR LEADERSHIP, HELEN, AND MANY DON'T KNOW HOW GOOD THEY HAD IT. THE FORMER HELEN CLARK STAFFER HAS ALWAYS BEEN CLOSE TO GRANT ROBERTSON. THEY ARE ALWAYS WILLING TO GIVE EACH OTHER A HELPING HAND, EVEN WITH WARDROBE ADVICE That is not the look we are after. I am just throwing it out there. SHE WAS MADE DEPUTY LABOUR LEADER ONLY LAST YEAR. AND WHEN LABOUR DROPPED TO 24% IN A ONE NEWS/COLMAR BRUNTON POLL JUST TWO MONTHS OUT FROM THE ELECTION, THE PARTY MOVED SWIFTLY TO PUT HER IN THE TOP SPOT, THE SO-CALLED JACINDA AFFECT HELPING THE LABOUR SOAR IN THE POLLS. LET'S GO FROM HERE AND RUN THE CAMPAIGN OF OUR LIVES. LET'S DO THIS. CHANTS OF 'LET'S DO THIS' HEARD THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY LET'S DO THIS. CHANTS OF 'LET'S DO THIS' HEARD THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY DURING THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN, AS SHE WAS MOBBED AT UNIVERSITIES AND SHOPPING MALLS AND BECAME A SELFIE-TAKING PRO. SHE LIKES TO TELL THE TALE OF GROWING UP IN MORRINSVILLE, AND RETURNED THERE SHORTLY AFTER BECOMING OPPOSITION LEADER. SO, WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK OF THE ELECTION? BUT A STUMBLING BLOCK DURING THE CAMPAIGN ` NATIONAL'S ACCUSATIONS OF AN $11B BUDGET BLOW-UP AND TALK OF NEW TAXES MADE SOME VOTERS NERVOUS, LEAVING LABOUR 10 POINTS BEHIND ON ELECTION NIGHT. KIA ORA KOUTOU. BUT SPECIAL VOTES SAW THE LABOUR-GREENS BLOC GAIN AN EXTRA TWO SEATS. AND AFTER THREE WEEKS OF WAITING AND TRAILING BACK AND FORTH ACROSS PARLIAMENT FOR MEETINGS WITH NEW ZEALAND FIRST, WINSTON PETERS MADE HIS DECISION. SO NEW ZEALAND NOW HAS A LABOUR-LED GOVERNMENT AFTER NINE YEARS IN THE WILDERNESS, AND ITS YOUNGEST PRIME MINISTER IN JACINDA ARDERN. AND ITS secOND YOUNGEST PRIME MINISTER IN JACINDA ARDERN. KATIE BRADFORD, 1 NEWS. AN INCREDIBLE RISE. We will take a very quick break. We are waiting for Jacinda Arden. Welcome back. We will continue on air till 8 o'clock this night. Things are still developing. We are expecting to hear from Jacinda Arden. We are expecting some detail on policy and what concessions have been made. Have we heard concessions on seats, this legacy thing that Winston Peters is so big on? Labour would have been less likely to do a deal on that than National. Would you expect something out of that? It may be that there was some back channel discussion about that, but I do not think you would hear anything about that, certain for a couple of years. I think it will be more relevant for National, given the sense they hold that Northland region. One of the things we should watch out for will be regional development and Northland and the Port Mr in Auckland. I do not know if that was mentioned in the stand up with Winston Peters. I know that is an issue he is interested in. What would be one of the most fascinating aspects of this is just how detailed and just how many policy concessions there will be. Will there be a boost super gold card? We know there will be immigration cuts. We know there will be some reform to this reserve Bank act. There will not be rradical change to the Singaporean bank the New Zealand dollar has stabilised. There is nothing dramatic going on there. As far as what we have heard from Winston Peters tonight, we can confirm that he will be deputy Prime Minister P1 is to be. He referred to the fact he would have a number of portfolios. What would you guess them to be? He might go back to foreign. It is something he has had an interest in. I am sure the travelling does not appeal to him. Just the idea of being on the world stage is something that will appeal to Winston Peters. The economic development portfolios want to look for. One that covers right across forestry and immigration. I think that is one area. It could be Shane Jones or Ron Mark who takes that. Tracey Martin is also want to look for. She has a strong interest in education. Which even be education minister? It is not impossible to think that could be on the cards. Those are the names you would be looking for that might be in cabinet. We have not talked about this at all tonight. Where is Bill English? As is the end of him? I think he will be so bitterly disappointed tonight. I do not think they knew right up until the last minute. I think it will be the end of them. He has been in this government for nine years. He has been prime Minister for almost a year. In the end, he was not able to get things to go his way in terms of coalition talks. How will they presented? Will they say they just were prepared to compromise and try to push the idea that they had to hold the line? There will be some in the back ventures possibly we will not be that disappointed. They property felt in terms of their future that it was very unlikely that the National party would have gotten 1/5 term, so they probably do not think three as an opposition is a bad thing. They will know plenty about the ministries and what they are up to once we get this detail, National might be able to tell us what Winston Peters wanted them to do. There might be some stability to sitting in opposition. I am sure they will try to claim that. Why would they stick to some sort of confidentiality around this? I'm sure Bill English, Steven Joyce and the ones who perhaps might not stick around. Steven Joyce most around. The ones who don't stick around might be disappointed, given their election results. It is up to Jacinda Rado now. This is where the rubber hits the road in terms of her leadership capability. She has to reach out to those who do not like the fact Winston Peters has gone with her and the Greens. She has to assure them that she has the leadership skills. She she has shown on the campaign trail that she does. She is untested. We cannot underestimate what she did For the Labour Party at 24%. that leadership change could have been disastrous. Let us have a listen to what Winston Peters had to say when he announced he had made a coalition deal With the Labour Party. We had a choice to make whether it was with National label for a modified status quo four for change. In our negotiations, National and Labour were presented with that opportunity. Working together, cooperating together for New Zealand. That is why the end we chose a coalition government New Zealand First with the New Zealand Labour Party. Thank you very much. That was Winston Peters just before 7 o'clock this evening. Let us go to the Labour Party, who are huddled now as we speak and have a look at proceedings. No, we do not have live pictures. That would be a shame if Jacinda Arden comes out while we do that, we are going to take a break. Welcome back. Here is how I see it. There was an unusual spectrum Winston Peters. He painted a picture of doom for the New Zealand economy. He is gone with the Labour Party. Not the Labour Greens he calls it. Where is the coordination? I think as we know there has been two separate deals going on. The Labour Greens one was wrapped up a few days ago. The Labour New Zealand First one has been going on until the last possible minute. They are seen as two separate deals. The delegates are meeting now to sign off on that deal. Labour must have been thinking very carefully about how they will manage it. Those are the questions we will take to Jacinda Ardern. I understand that she will not speak to media until 8 o'clock. Your question is one of the reasons for that. They are trying to work out how they deal is going to go. They may be waiting to hear that the Greens have signed off on their part of it. As a presumptive of me to expect the Prime Minister elect to tell me who is in cabinet, how many seats there are, what they have given up, what the policy concessions are? You would hope she would be able to say yes or no to Winston Peters being Prime Minister. How many ministers there will be from New Zealand First and from the Greens, it seems fair enough that she would know that. Changes to immigration laws. Pike River has been a big one for New Zealand First and Labour has agreed on. You should expect that she will be able to say yes on those big picture policies. There was some debate over water tax. But messing with the reserve bank. They dovetail together reasonably comfortable. As we have all been trying to work out which way Winston Peters would go, when you looked at New Zealand First policies and Labour's, they did seem to match up a bit more Aside from the water tax, which I think Labour will be happily fine to get rid of. It's how much Winston Peters managed to get out of Labour and how much he pushes them on reducing immigration numbers and putting a cap on that. As you spoke about there, his warnings around the economy and what he seemed to be saying from what I could gather Is that there is going to be a slowdown and problems with the economy but it is not our fault. Do not blame the new government for that. A lot of questions will be asked, in general terms, we have a young leader of the Labour Party who is untested. And the machinations of her and the Greens. This is a bigger test as you could possibly want as you would have as a new prime minister. It is probably a daunting prospect In the sense there have not been many people that have been ministers before. You have Winston Peters in there and a couple of Labour Mps that have been ministers in the past. No one from the Greens. Shane Jones has been a minister, but it was a lowly role and only for a couple of years before Labour were turfed out last time. You think that Trevor Mallard would be the new speaker. There are also getting staff. They have to get new press secretaries and advisers. It would be two or three weeks before the house would sit. Give them a lot of work to do in that time. Of those the people behind you that you have to push through to get into that room? That is when my height get in handy. I can duck and weave through those journalistic upfront. We will go back when we hear from at last from the new prime minister. WAITING FOR A GOVERNMENT ANNOUNCEMENT BECAME SOMETHING OF A PROFESSIONAL SPORT TODAY. MAIKI SHERMAN HAS BEEN ACROSS THE GOVERNMENT GROUNDS TODAY AS PEOPLE OF ALL BACKGROUNDS WAITED AND WATCHED FOR A DECISION. THE HOTTEST SHOW IN TOWN ` WINSTON PETERS' BIG REVEAL. MEDIA LINING UP FOR THE BEST POSITIONS, BUT NOT EVEN THE PRIME MINISTER AT THE TIME, BILL ENGLISH, KNEW IF HE'D HAVE A STARRING ROLE. MR PETERS HAS INDICATED THAT HE'S GOING TO ANNOUNCE HIS POSITION LATER IN THE DAY, AND LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE, WE LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING WHAT THAT IS. MEANWHILE THERE WAS THIS GUY, WHO HAS HELD A SOMEWHAT VIGIL FOR JACINDA ARDERN OUTSIDE OF PARLIAMENT SINCE NEGOTIATIONS BEGAN. IT'S RECYCLING. (LAUGHS) AND THE MCINTYRE FAMILY, ALL THE WAY FROM LONGBUSH, INVERCARGILL WITH THE SWEETEST OF PREDICTIONS. BECAUSE THERE'S BEEN A LOT OF BOYS; THAT'S WHY WE WANT JACINDA. DO YOU KNOW WHAT? I THINK YOU MIGHT BE ON TO SOMETHING. WHAT DO YOU THINK? THE SAME! JUST TO MAKE IT FAIR. THE DECISION, HOWEVER, PROVING MORE DIFFICULT FOR WINSTON ` HARDER THAN WHAT TO HAVE FOR LUNCH. DID HE LOOK HAPPY? DID HE LOOK SAD? DID HE LOOK CONFUSED? HE LOOKED VERY SERIOUS. VERY SERIOUS? THERE'S A BIG DECISION AHEAD, ISN'T THERE? I KNOW, THERE IS. AND WHICH WAY DO YOU THINK HE MIGHT GO? I THINK HE MIGHT GO FOR NATIONAL, ACTUALLY. ...LEFT TO CHEW ONLY THE SUGARY SUSTENANCE TO SUSTAIN 'WINSTON WATCH'. One of the things I said at the beginning was remembering 1996, I hope that would not be the same again. We would not be kept waiting. When he gave that deadline of October 12. But then they got blown out of the window. One of the debates of the last few weeks has been the future of the MMP. is This the MMP that you want? Does he have a disproportionate amount of power to be exerting? Whether or not now will we forget all that and carry on with MMP... Corin Dann is back with us. Where is Justin's Ardern and what is going on and why was it not more coordinated? They are just trying to figure out what is going on here. They have put out a statement. It is thanking the New Zealand First Party and for agreeing in principle for a coalition arrangement. The Green Party is now undertaking its internal process before they can confirm their final arrangement. Jacinda Ardern has thanked James Shaw and the team for. They aspire to be a government for all New Zealanders. She acknowledges Bill English and says the service to the country that he has given And says there will be a media conference at 8pm. Not much detail. Winston Peters, He made the decision and the announcement and it was all very clear in 1996. We do not know who is in Cabinet. We do not know what the policies are. And there still seems to be some sort of weight on whether Jacinda Ardern has got this whole thing wrapped up and set to go. It could still fall apart? I don't think so. Labour is waiting for the Greens to get that 75% sign. There has been a lot of work to get there. There will not be a huge problem there. What will be interesting as what part the Greens will play. Labour and New Zealand First are a formal coalition. They are in government. We do not know whether they are being supported on supply and confidence. A bit like the Maori Party and act over the last three years. That would be my guess. They may get policy concessions and maybe some ministerial positions outside of cabinet. Why would they swallow that dead fish? Because they are in such a weak position. They were weakened by the Metiria Turei scandal. They trust Jacinda Ardern. This is their best shot to get into power. They had no ability to try and leverage Labour. If you are right, the Greens are going to have to assign it to their supporters. The only real when out of this is Winston Peters. The challenge now is whether Jacinda Ardern can pull this together and present a stable government And people will look back at this process and question MMP. But if there is a stable government over the next three years, people will not care and MMP will roll on. So the challenge to her and to Winston Peters and to James Shaw is to present that stable government. That will be worrying markets and some people. But there is no indication that they cannot do that. We give them a chance. Jacinda Ardern has shown she is a capable leader. We are hearing that Jacinda Ardern is eminently arriving but she is still yet to front. Let's look at some live pictures as we wait for that press conference. I am assuming you are not joining us late, but just in case you are, Winston Peters is going with the Labour and the Greens, but calling it Labour are not the Greens. The Greens have got a rule that 75% of the party has to agree to everything. Corin Dann suggesting before the break that to the Greens may be outside of Parliament. We are standing by waiting for Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister elect. I thought she would have gone straight to the beehive theatrette. Lovely of you to join us. Any sign of anyone from national? We haven't yet heard from Bill English tonight but we are expecting him to give a short press conference tonight. I expect that to take place after Jacinda Ardern's press conference at 8 o'clock. He will want to give her some clear air tonight. This is a huge blow for him. He took national to its worst ever defeat in 2002, fought back to win the larger share of the vote. 10 seats more than Labour and the election. He has sought all that snatched away from him tonight. He learnt about it at the same time that you and I learnt about it straight from Winston Peters at that press conference. His brother Conor English will be here tonight offering him commiserations. As soon as we hear when that press conference will be, we will let you know. The first question will be whether he will resign. He was in with a chance And there is no real reason to resign and leave politics. He was in with a chance up until 50 minutes before Winston Peters press conference when he effectively made that decision. I was with Bill English are a lot of that campaign, and he really did fight a good campaign. A bit of a ropey start the first couple of weeks of the campaign went great. But when the rural town divide came up, he really fired up. He won the largest share of the votes. This would be heartbreaking for him. If he does resign tonight, it is a very sad into a 27 year career. There are plenty of Mps and national snapping at his heels ready to give it a go, ready to be in opposition. You think people like Paula Bennett and Steven Joyce. If he stays around. There will be a developing story over the next couple of weeks. If he decides to stay, would it be fine to suggest that he is okay? There will not be a corner of the caucus that will want to get out? I would not say that is true. There are plenty of ambitious Mps in the national caucus that are ready to give it a shot. He just stared down a leadership battle in December when John Key resign. But he has been in parliament nearly 30 years, and national will be feeling they will want to replace him with some fresh blood. And he will be feeling tired after the election campaign. There were rumours around Parliament that before John Key resigned, Bill English was looking to resign himself. I don't think his future as national leader is certain tonight. Unbelievable. So much can happen. We know nothing an hour or so ago. And now we still don't know much at all. Where the hell is the Prime Minister? Is that unreasonable to ask? I don't think so. How are you doing, Maiki? What is the atmosphere down there like? We are waiting for Jacinda Ardern. Our Prime Minister elect to appear. So we can ask her some questions about how she is feeling and how the Labour Party are feeling. It has been a slow start. We have spent the first half of the day On Winston watch. Just coming back today and having to sit around and twiddle fingers and just wait for any little thing to happen, I cannot say that I missed that part. It was excruciating just wondering and waiting When Winston would appear with a great reveal. We have seen huge amounts of media here at Parliament covering off the main elevators, Just waiting for those key players to arrive and to come out of those elevator doors. It has been a real buzz in the last hour once we have had Winston come down and tell us which way the country will now go. Can you see any sign that Jacinda is going to be appearing soon? What is happening around you? I am just looking to my left here because the entire press gallery is parked out in the Labour caucus hallway. There is no sign of Jacinda at the moment. It is all in lockdown. We are all waiting for Jacinta to appear and hear those first words. We will come back to you as soon as anything happens. We are going back to Corin Dann. Where has Winston gone? He has gone back to his offices. He is probably giving himself a celebratory beer or something like that after what has been a pretty crazy 12 days. Jacinda Ardern can't be far away. One hour does not seem like the longest time given the 12 days we have spent waiting around here. There is a lot of pressure on her. A lot of questions to answer. A massive moment in her career In the history of New Zealand to front up after what has been a pretty dramatic development here today in Parliament To be effectively anointed Prime Minister like this. But I am sure you will hear Labour say that it was then that shows New Zealand First as well. It is one heck of a press conference coming here. There is Kris Faafoi and another number of members of the Labour Caucus on the move. What role do you reckon that the personalities played in all of this? This is a little bit of utu for Nationa? I am not a great believer in the theory that is held these long grudges. He had some history with Bill English. Probably not a great fan of Steven Joyce. But no real animosity there. He does not really know Jacinda Ardern very well. He said that he was impressed by her ended well in the campaign. And he has never said a harsh word about James Shaw. The Greens had fired plenty of shots against New Zealand First, accused them of being xenophobic. New Zealand First has never showed a lot of blood towards the GreenS. That'll be the tricky relationship. There was a strong element of trust built up over the 12 days. There were no leaks around this place. In the end. I do believe it was policy. It will be Winston Peters wanting his legacy to show that he is trying to change and push back the neoliberal tide. Your thoughts on whether Bill English stays? I think he will probably go. The question is how quickly. National want to regroup. There will be a contest if he does step down. A couple of names? You've got to put Amy Adams, Simon Bridges, Judith Collins, Jonathan Coleman. Those are some of the ones that have already had a go at it. We stand by still. We do not see Jacinda. A shot off to the right of the corridor where some of the Labour Mps are. There is the chief communications officer. He has left the room to tell the media something. Annette King just left that room. She has been an integral part of the campaign. She announced her retirement from politics And had been with Jacinda at virtually every day during that campaign. The Prime Minister elect tonight. Corin Dann is back with us. I am assuming that we are Waiting Because something to do with the Greens. Possibly. Here she is. Keep talking. Here she comes now. She could not look happier. Grant Robertson on our left. Kelvin Davis. It will be interesting to see what he plays Considering he might not be deputy. What we hope for is some detail. Ladies and gentlemen, The prime minister elect. Welcome and thank you for your patience. I wanted to be noted that I have only left you here for 10 minutes. I want to start by saying That it is an absolute honour And a privilege To have the ability As the leader of the New Zealand Labour Party To form a government For all New Zealanders. I also want to say that this has been a campaign That has been robust and rigourous And I want to thank Bill English For the role he has played in that campaign But also as Prime Minister And as serving in the past as New Zealand's finance minister. Mr English has already called me this evening And acknowledge that for the National party, Negotiations have now concluded. I personally have always believed that members of Parliament Come to this place in order to do good And to serve their country as best as they can. Mr English is an absolute example Of that, and I want to acknowledge him. These negotiations have been Robust. But there has been more that has united The parties that has divided. Labour has always Believed That government should be a partner And ensuring an economy that works and delivers For all New Zealanders. We also believe that a government That looks after its environment And that ultimately looks after It's people, And I believe that Labour has found true allies And Parliament To deliver on that. I want to thank New Zealand First for the decision That they have made. I know that it has been significant And difficult. I want to thank them for the time and consideration That they put into the negotiations, And I can confirm that they were indeed dominated By a discussion around policy and ensuring the consensus existed on issues that were of great importance to each of us. That formed a solid foundation on which we will now build a coalition government. I also want to thank and acknowledge the New Zealand Green party. We have also engaged in a robust ppolicy negotiation with them also. They have engaged us on areas of consensus And on areas we have taken different Views they are undergoing a process in their party, And we will wait the outcome of that And whether we have successfully change the government. It is my intention over the next 24 hours That we will conclude the final remaining areas Of our agreement that need to be completed For both respective parties. Also tomorrow afternoon, The Labour Party will hold a caucus that will enable us to carry out an election for cabinet positions For Labour. Early next week we will be in a position to release & The agreements that the New Zealand Labour Party has come to with New Zealand First In the Green party. Later in the week we will confirm and release Ministerial portfolios More broadly and a swearing and ceremonial Will take place. I want to conclude by saying that I am incredibly honoured and privileged To be in a position to form a government With Labour at the lead. I want to thank all those that gave Labour support Throughout the election And through this period of negotiation. We campaigned hard on issues that we believe strongly in. We take seriously the responsibility that we have To deliver on them. New Zealand First will hold for cabinet positions. They will also have one Parliamentary undersecretary. What about Winston Peters's position? Mr Peters has been offered the role as I have said, Ministerial portfolios will be Released in due course. I want to make sure I honour the process The Green party is going through at the moment. I will leave it to James Shaw to Announce that. I can confirm they will have ministerial portfolios. I want to honest the process the Greens are going through. We will be releasing those agreements in due course, But I do not want to undermine the process the Greens are going through. I can confirm they have been offered ministerial portfolios. Again I do want to make sure that the Green party has the ability to announce the agreement That they had, but again I am confirming, They have ministerial portfolios. I am satisfied that throughout this campaign that the Greens a strong message Was that they wanted to change the government. We are now in the process of doing that. My expectation is that we are together, changing the government. We have had a conversation, And we are very close to finalising those ministerial portfolios. I want to make sure that we are able to complete those conversations in the next when he four hours. There is a strong interest from New Zealand 1st to invest in our regions. It is a value that Labour shares, But we will confirm those portfolios in due course. I enjoyed the theatre Being with everyone at the same time As a joint with New Zealand As we collectively learn the information together. Again, I felt an overwhelming sense of Being incredibly honoured, privilege and humbled. I have never won a World Cup, so I would not know. My view is that we will have a partnership. That we will continue to learn from one another. ...A representation of your government. The areas that all parties campaigned on Will feature heavily in their agreements. Areas where we had common ground An economy that delivers for all New Zealanders. An environment where protecting and preserving. Making sure New Zealanders have access to the services they need. For each respective party, there is a different set of priorities, And you will see that reflected in the agreements we produce. through the negotiation process, It has become even more apparent to me that there is an extraordinary amount of common ground Between us in terms of what we want to deliver For New Zealanders. What will have been clear for the campaign Is that we all agreed that there is a housing crisis. We all agree there is a role for the state to play. we will remain committed to that scaler building houses. My role was to ensure that I only made concessions in areas That the New Zealand Labour Party would feel comfortable with And that were in line with our values and principles. I had to make sure as leader that we were holding on to our ultimate goals. When those agreements are released You will see how we have managed to do that. Does the Green party deserve to know that before they make their decision? We had robust discussion about policy direction. Every party agreed New Zealand's rivers are dying. We all agree New Zealand needs to take action. We differed on methodology in some areas. You will see in the agreements and policies that were police That we have found a path forward Collectively. She will have caved on the water tax. We don't actually have a coalition. We have a coalition of intent. The Green party is yet to sign off on it. New Zealand First have one themselves for cabinet Seats and one under secretary, which is not bad for a party of nine. The policy and portfolios are still yet to come. We are still not going to know too much by the end of tonight. Welcome back. This is Jacinda Arden. We are going to get Corin Dann. There is no policy there is nothing you did not know in the election campaign. She is waiting for the Greens to sign off on this Before she says anything about them. If you are hearing what she was saying, The inferences being that the Greens will be outside of the relationship. Is that what you heard? I did not hear that specifically clarified. What was interesting is that they have not signed that off yet. And that she is still waiting. Bill English will do a stand up at around 830. That will be on our website and on our Facebook page. James Shaw will do his stand-up. There is a little bit to go yet. Maybe they are still finalising that. There could be confidence and supply And still have a ministerial position. I think they would have said it was inside cabinet, So it is probably going to Be something to do with conservation or environment. When she talked about her cabinet ministers And they will be elected next week, Will they all will they not have agreed with New Zealand First Beyond the numbers. Will New Zealand First know what those portfolios are? By inference from what she was saying is that this stuff is going to get sorted Over the next day or so. I think that will happen Reasonably quickly. We have four minutes. Tell me what has gone on this afternoon� When we were expecting an answer on the government. An actual detailed package on what this country is going to be, and are we are waiting for next week. I think we will get more tomorrow. I do agree. It is unusual That we have had the structure of this government sort of announced But we still have not been finalised about the Greens. We do not have detail on the policy. It might just be because it is quite detailed And they need to take a bit of time. It is a bit unusual, given how Winston Peters feels about immigration and superannuation. Ultimately, it sounded as though Winston Peters was the one Who said he wanted Labour to do that, So maybe that is his way of now handing off And leaving it to Labour to do that So they can then make these arrangements of the next 24 hours And make some of those announcements. Has Peters been flushed out here And that he has not tied it all down And that boxes aren't tax, Why is he making an announcement? Why could it not have will be wrapped up and presented to the country? It has been a bit strange. They was always a bit vague If there was a signed, sealed, delivered steel. My understanding was that there were going to be to signed deals. With all those policies and details laid out. I am not sure about that now. There must be broad parameters. As they are both saying, They have to finish a few little things. We have a government elect But we are not quite there. There is no doubt that the Greens are going to tick this. They just have to work through those issues. There was more potential acceptance or fallout to come. Who the ministers are, how money Greens get into cabinet. We talk about for a five ministers to New Zealand first. You can make a cabin as big as you want. D in fact, if you look at Helen Clark, She used a big cabinet to her advantage, Because it is an example of keeping your Enemies close. There is no reason to think Jacinda Arden might not have a large cabinet. She is going to have plenty of people in the Labour Party Hoping to get into that cabinet, And there are also things like undersecretary. David serymour took that position of undersecretary. You have ministers of state. She can do all sorts of things and be quite creative. Thank you for your coverage tonight. We have got to wrap it up. Bill English forefront. That will be on our Facebook page. You can follow that. It will be interesting to see if he stays in politics. We will also see this evening probably something from James Shaw. Confirming that they will have signed off this caller should deal. A very fluid and fascinating night. We have a new government. Winston Peters has gone with Labour, And we assume the Greens. Policies and portfolios is still to come. That is us for tonight. CAPTIONS BY SHRUTIKA GUNANAYAGAM, DESNEY SHAW AND JAMES BROWN. CAPTIONS WERE MADE WITH THE SUPPORT OF NZ ON AIR. COPYRIGHT ABLE 2017