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When Tony and Emily Hughes travel to France with their 5-year-old son Oliver, their family holiday turns into a nightmare when Oliver disappears into the crowd of a busy French street.

A five-year-old boy goes missing on a family holiday in France, setting off a manhunt that will last for years to come.

Primary Title
  • The Missing
Episode Title
  • Eden
Date Broadcast
  • Sunday 24 April 2016
Start Time
  • 22 : 25
Finish Time
  • 23 : 40
  • 75:00
  • 1
  • 1
  • TV One
  • Television New Zealand
Programme Description
  • A five-year-old boy goes missing on a family holiday in France, setting off a manhunt that will last for years to come.
Episode Description
  • When Tony and Emily Hughes travel to France with their 5-year-old son Oliver, their family holiday turns into a nightmare when Oliver disappears into the crowd of a busy French street.
  • PGR
Owning Collection
  • Chapman Archive
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
  • English
Captioning Languages
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • No
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
  • Crime
  • Drama
  • Mystery
1 BELL TOLLS RAIN HISSES RAIN PATTERS BELL TOLLS INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS (SIGHS) INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS GIRL: I wanted chocolate. Please? Please? Please, Mummy? < Mummy, please? But you said! But you said! How old are you? But you said! How old are you? 13. INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS Sorry. I have a son his age. No, no. It's fine. TV PLAYS INDISTINCTLY RAIN PATTERS FOOTSTEPS SPLASH RAIN PATTERS RAIN PATTERS RAIN PATTERS PHONE BUTTONS BEEP (GRUNTS) PHONE BUTTONS BEEP WOMAN: I can't come to the phone, but please leave a message and I'll get back to you when I can. Thank you. It's me. I hope you're well. Uh, well, I heard the news, so I suppose you are. Um, I came back ` same room, everything. TV still doesn't work. Anyway, I'm here. I thought you should know why. I've found something. AMATORSKI'S 'COME HOME' # Oh, my love, # we pray each day. # May you come home... # and be OK. MELANCHOLY MUSIC # For now we wait... # for you, for you... # to come home. # Captions by Faith Hamblyn. www.able.co.nz Captions were made possible with funding from NZ On Air. Copyright Able 2015 TENSE MUSIC MAN SPEAKS FRENCH ON CAR RADIO WOMAN: Whoo-hoo! (LAUGHS) MAN SPEAKS FRENCH ON CAR RADIO (LAUGHS) Bonjour! Ca va? (CHUCKLES) MAN SPEAKS FRENCH ON CAR RADIO What you drawing, Olly? > It's Daddy. It's Daddy. Shall we show him? No! Not again! Why do you always draw me with such big ears? I don't have big ears, do I? It's you. It's Daddy Big Ears! My ears aren't really that big, are they? My ears aren't really that big, are they? Huge. PHONE BUZZES Already! Already! I'll be quick. < PHONE BUZZES < PHONE BUZZES < PHONE BUZZES (CHUCKLES) (SPEAKS INDISTINCTLY) I know, I know. I know, I know. No work this side of the Channel. Deal? Deal. ENGINE CHUGS AND SPUTTERS ENGINE CHUGS AND SPUTTERS (SIGHS) Try again? ENGINE CHUGS AND SPUTTERS > Uh, how long? Uh, combien... pour la voiture? Uh... Uh... One hour? Uh... One hour? Non. Un jour ou deux. (SIGHS) One day, maybe two. (SIGHS) One day, maybe two. Oh, bloody hell. (SIGHS) One day, maybe two. Oh, bloody hell. (SIGHS) BOTH GROAN Um, bit of a change of plan. Come and help me with the bags. Um, bit of a change of plan. Come and help me with the bags. Uh, est-ce que la une, um,... hotel ici? (SIGHS) Un hotel, un hotel. (SIGHS) L'hotel le plus proche... est L'hotel L'Eden. (SIGHS) SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUES (HUMS) (HUMS) WOMAN: Premiere etage, la derniere porte a gauche. Au revoir. > BOTH: Bonjour. BOTH: Bonjour. Um, do you speak English? Yes. Hello. > Yes. Hello. > Have you got any rooms? Uh, we only have one room, monsieur. Uh, we only have one room, monsieur. Great. Yes, we'll take it. The television does not work, I'm afraid. The television does not work, I'm afraid. Oh, that's fine. I would have preferred if you said that you must have one, so I could give you this one. The World Cup is all he thinks about. The World Cup is all he thinks about. Ah! Fancy your chances? Uh, what? Uh, what? France against Brazil ` France? Uh, what? France against Brazil ` France? Ah, yes, good. Good. (SPEAKS FRENCH) These are the keys, please, Mr Fox. It's a nice little fox. (CHUCKLES) I'll bring the portable bed for the little one a little bit later. I'll bring the portable bed for the little one a little bit later. OK, good. What's the number, Olly? What's the number, Olly? Seven! What's the number, Olly? Seven! Seven. I've found it! I've found it! Oh! I've found it! Oh! Ooh wow. Ooh, it's very big. It's quite a big room! Yeah, good, yeah, I'll get the bags (!) TENSE MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUES DRIVEN MUSIC Vous avez vu ce jeune garcon? Non? Vous avez vu ce jeune homme? Non. Vous avez vu ce jeune homme? Vous avez vu ce jeune homme? Non? Vous avez vu ce jeune homme? Non? Non. DRAMATIC MUSIC Another one of those, please. Au revoir. Vous avez vu ce jeune homme? Non? Non? DRAMATIC MUSIC Get out! Have you seen this boy here? See him here? Look at the photo, will you? Stop! DRIVING MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUES MUSIC FADES BOAT ENGINE CHUGS Mr Hughes? Laurence! Been a long time. Last time I saw you was` Tony, we have had some calls about you. Look` Complaints. You are bothering people. You understand? We have to address these things. And you being here, it's not` And you being here, it's not` No, I understand. You're doing your job. Will you stop this? No, OK, yeah. I'll stop. Show me this picture. GENTLE MUSIC That's the scarf Olly was wearing when he went missing. This boy was in Chalons. Do you recognise him? No. I'm sorry, I... You should go home, Tony. Yeah, I know. I will. DRIVING MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUES BIRDS CHIRP PUFFING (SIGHS) BIRDS CHIRP (SIGHS) BIRDS CHIRP (GRUNTS) (PANTS) (SIGHS) BIRDS CHIRP BIRDS CHIRP (SIGHS) WATER RUNS Ooh! (CHUCKLES) How are they? The colony is well underweight. I was off on the flow. They need syrup and water. PHONE RINGS < You should never have built that hive. You're not a carpenter, my love. Allo? C'est Julien Baptiste. Laurence! Comment ca va? > Ah. > Bien, merci beaucoup. Au revoir. FOOTSTEPS APPROACH Tony Hughes has gone back to Chalons du Bois. Tony Hughes has gone back to Chalons du Bois. Why? He thinks he's found something. Laurence says he's being a nuisance, a drunk. Nobody wants him there. Laurence says he's being a nuisance, a drunk. Nobody wants him there. I can't imagine why. My honeybees will only survive the winter if they think there is still a nectar flow. To live through this cold, they must believe the world outside the hive is warm, that there is food, that nothing has changed. Tony is in Chalons du Bois because there, he can believe that his son is not gone, and that somewhere he is now 13 years old, playing football, starting to think about girls. You're not thinking about seeing him, are you? Hey. N'inquietes pas. (CHUCKLES) Qu'est-ce qui se passe, alors? Gimme a bise. (CHUCKLES) DRIVEN MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUES BIRDS CHIRP I'm ready. Mmm! It's that one. That's the one, 100%. (GASPS) No! What, the expensive one's the other one?! What, the expensive one's the other one?! Correct. Liar. You're just being a cheapskate! Yeah, cos 15 grand's not enough to spend on a day (!) Well, we'll just have to blindfold all our guests. Mmm. Well, we'll just have to blindfold all our guests. Mmm. Interesting. Oh, look, I found your phone. Oh, look, I found your phone. Oh! My hero. Oh, look, I found your phone. Oh! My hero. Fell into one of the boxes. BOX RATTLES TONY: It's me. I hope you're well. Uh, well, I heard the news, so I suppose you are. I came back ` same room, everything. TV still doesn't work. Anyway, I'm here. I thought you should know why. I've found something. TENSE MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUES 9 Two almost identical families; two almost identical fridge-freezers. Both have all the modern features. So what's the difference? The Smiths chose a fridge-freezer that's Energy Star qualified. That means it uses up to 40% less energy. Because it runs all day every day, that will save the Smiths a lot on their energy bills. And that's just one appliance. Next time you need a new appliance, look for one displaying the Energy Star. 1 LIGHT-HEARTED MUSIC LAUGHTER MUSIC CONTINUES LAUGHTER MUSIC CONTINUES LAUGHTER (LAUGHS) MUSIC CONTINUES So, uh... So, sorry, what? The car is, uh, fixed? Fixee? OK. Thank you. FOOTBALL COMMENTATOR SPEAKS FRENCH ON TV CHEERING And that one means I want to swim. All done. Car's fixed. All done. Car's fixed. Great. What was it? He explained it in French, though I wouldn't understand it in English. Swimming tomorrow, Olly. Swimming now! < Where? < Where? Now? Bit late, love. It's way past your bedtime. Look. Look. Ooh. There is a pool there. Please? > But we'd have to go all the way back to the hotel to get your trunks. And there's plenty of holiday left. Pleeease! Pleeease. INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS < Swimming it is, sir! INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS < Swimming it is, sir! Yay! All right, absolutely no longer than half an hour, you two. All right? CHATTERING AND LAUGHTER INDISTINCT CONVERSATION CHATTERING AND LAUGHTER Oh! (LAUGHS) One more. Last one. Whoa. (LAUGHS) Whoa. (LAUGHS) (GRUNTS) Whoa. (LAUGHS) (GRUNTS) (LAUGHS) (COUGHS) PLAINTIVELY: I'm thirsty! (COUGHS) PLAINTIVELY: I'm thirsty! MIMICS: Aw, 'I'm thirsty! 'I'm thirsty!' Come on, then. We'll get you out. 'I'm thirsty!' Come on, then. We'll get you out. SPLASH! INSECTS CHIRP What would you like to drink? I think a cup of... Hmm, I know ` some hot butter. No! No! It's delicious ` I'm telling you. What about some frogs' legs? No! Stop being silly. Stop being silly. Lemonade? Stop being silly. Lemonade? Yay! Give me your hand. Give me your hand. Good boy. CROWD CHEERS INDISTINCT COMMENTARY CHEERING AND YELLING CROWD CHEERS CROWD CHEERS INDISTINCT SHOUTING AND CHEERING One beer and one lemonade. CHEERING AND LAUGHTER MAN COMMENTATES IN FRENCH ON TV CHEERING AND APPLAUSE CROWD CHEERS INDISTINCT YELLING AND CHEERING CHEERING AND APPLAUSE CHEERING AND YELLING CHEERING CHEERING AND YELLING CROWD CHANTS IN FRENCH Olly? Olly? Olly? Olly? CROWD CHANTS: Allez les Bleus! Olly? CROWD CHANTS: Allez les Bleus! Olly! Allez les Bleus! Allez les Bleus! Allez les Bleus! Olly? Allez les Bleus! Allez les Bleus! Allez les Bleus! Allez les Bleus! Allez les Bleus! Allez les Bleus! Olly, are you in here? Olly? Come on. Olly? Olly, are you in there? Ol? Olly! Olly! Olly! Have you seen a little boy? Little boy about this size? Running up there? No? Olly! Olly! Olly! Olly? Olly! Huh. TENSE MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUES HIGH-PITCHED TONE PAGE RUSTLES PHONE RINGS Hey, did you have fun? Are you on your way back? What? BOISTEROUS MALE VOICES CHEER PHONE RINGS CHEERING (YELLS IN FRENCH) PHONE RINGS PHONE RINGS Allo. Allo? Hey, hey! Les gars, les gars, baissez le son! Oui? Tres bien. On arrive. Les gars, il faut y aller. YELLING IN FRENCH CHEERING DOGS BARKING, POLICE SIREN WAILS, DETECTIVE SHOUTS ORDERS DOG BARKS DOG BARKS (YELLS IN FRENCH) On me bloque toutes les sorties, toutes les sorties. (SPEAKS FRENCH) I don't understand what` I don't understand what` We don't know what you're saying to us. What are you saying? You don't understand. I don't understand` He's asking you to come with him to the station. Can you tell me what's happening? He asked me a few questions and went off and left us. What's he doing? I can take you to the station. On the way I can tell you everything I know. We won't go to the station. We won't go to the station; we'll stay here till you find our boy. Olly! Olly! Hey, Emily? Olly! Olly! We can't go to the station. Olly! We can't go to the station. Olly! Emily, Emily, Emily! Emily, Emily, Emily! Olly! I don't wanna go! 1 INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS PHONE RINGS, FOOTSTEPS APPROACH Mr and Mrs Hughes, I'm Georges Deloix, le juge d'instruction assigned to this case. Can you tell us exactly what's happening? You're in excellent hands. If you'll excuse me now. I thought you might like a drink. The machine here is, uh... Anyway. I thought you might like a drink. The machine here is, uh... Anyway. Who's he? The investigating judge ` not a judge like you have in England; he's in charge of the situation. I need a photo of your son. I need a photo of your son. Why? What's going on? I need a photo of your son. Why? What's going on? Tu montes un alerte? They are issuing an alerte enlevement. This is the abduction alert. Oh no! Oh no! Did you look everywhere? he could've just run off. I must move quickly. I need a photograph. Chalons is a small department. The alert makes it a national case. We'll get support from Paris. This alert will show his photograph on screens everywhere ` television stations, highways` Merci, Relaud. Wait, wait, wait, can she stay? Wait, wait, wait, can she stay? Mrs Hughes, Agent Relaud is not a detective. No, no, she's staying. Stay. Uh, this one ` it was taken today. No, no. Wait, he's not smiling. He's always happy. This one ` he's smiling in this one. DOOR CLICKS DOOR CLICKS SIGHING SIREN WAILS SIREN WAILS (GASPS) (SIGHS) (SIGHS) BOTH SIGH The crowd was, uh... I mean, he was thirsty. And there was a big crowd watching the game. I was holding his hand. I don't blame you, love. TENSE MUSIC I'm going out there. I'm going out there. What? Where?! He might've gone to places we were today. Somewhere familiar. That doesn't make any sense. you should stay. What if he tries...? He might try to come back. If he comes back, then you'll be here. It's fine. I'll go and look for him, you stay here, and then you'll be here when he comes back. It's OK, I'll go. (SIGHS) TENSE MUSIC INDISTINCT YELLING Olly? MUSIC CONTINUES Olly? MUSIC CONTINUES FANS SHOUT AND CHEER INDISTINCT YELLING Olly! FANS SHOUT AND CHEER CHEERING, WHISTLING Olly! FANS SHOUT AND CHEER FIREWORKS CRACKLE TENSE MUSIC Olly! Olly! MUSIC CONTINUES CHEERING Olly! CHEERING TENSE MUSIC FANS CHANT AND CHEER FIREWORKS WHISTLE CHANTING AND CHEERING FIREWORKS WHISTLE INTENSE MUSIC FANS CHANT AND YELL MUSIC CONTINUES (OFFICER SHOUTS ORDERS IN FRENCH) INTENSE MUSIC (SPEAKS FRENCH) MAN SPEAKS FRENCH OVER PA DOORS HISS INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS (SPEAKS FRENCH) (SPEAKS FRENCH) Enchante. < (SPEAKS FRENCH) (SPEAKS FRENCH) (SPEAKS FRENCH) (SPEAKS FRENCH) INTENSE MUSIC MAN SPEAKS FRENCH OVER PA RAIN PATTERS INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS FOOTSTEPS APPROACH Hi, Tony. Julien. Sit. Thanks for calling. I heard you were back. Excusez-moi. Vin rouge. How's your leg? > I'm not sure if it stopped hurting or I just got used to the pain. Either way, I don't notice any more. You should know, you being here again, well, people are talking. So what? After the things that were written about me? I mean only, you must know how uncomfortable this makes people. I mean only, you must know how uncomfortable this makes people. Right. My son being taken was such an inconvenience for them (!) For those who live here. For those who live here. Life goes on. For those who live here. Life goes on. One way or another, yes. For us all. (TUTS) Yes. Who is he? I have no idea. Sylvie, the manager of Hotel Eden, two weeks ago, she posted this photo on Facebook. A friend of hers on Bastille Day in Chalons du Bois. I knew the moment I looked at it. Look ` see the boy in the background there? Huh? Look at what he's wearing. A scarf. A scarf. Oliver's scarf. A coincidence, perhaps. You don't understand. I don't mean it's the kind of scarf Oliver was wearing; I mean it's exactly the one. No, Emily had it made for him, with his initials on it. Look ` ONH. A scarf with my son's initials on it shows up in the same town from which he was taken, and it's a coincidence? > It's his, Julien. Huh? That means someone left it somewhere. Someone found it, and it ended up with this boy. So if we can trace it back` 'We'? We can't do anything. I am retired, and you have no authority here. If there is any news` What, the police will pass it on? I told Laurence ` she couldn't have been less interested. Maybe Ziane would give a shit if he wasn't rotting in jail. Look, I came here as a courtesy, as a friend. You need to stop this. You need to go home. This ` this isn't good for you. You're lucky. All those years as a detective, and you've just switched off, washed your hands of it. Well, good for you. > And don't say you were here as my friend ` we were never friends. (SPEAKS FRENCH) C'est bon, madame. DOOR OPENS > DOOR OPENS > (SIGHS) DOOR OPENS > (SIGHS) DOOR SLAMS > I shouldn't have bothered with the movers, James ` you've put them to shame all day. Now, I really appreciate it. Now, I really appreciate it. Oh, I don't mind. Hey, I was thinking that, you know, since I'm paying the removal men, I ought to pay you something as well. Really? Awesome! Really? Awesome! Are you spoiling him again? Really? Awesome! Are you spoiling him again? I don't spoil him. Oi! All clear upstairs? Yep. Ems, um, you left these in the attic. I don't know if you forgot it, or, uh... No, no, I hadn't forgotten. Do you want me put it with the other boxes? TOYS RUSTLE They're just, uh... They're just things. They're not... They're not really him, are they? No. We should get the guys to drop it off at Queen Charlotte's, at the children's ward. Right. Right. FOOTSTEPS RETREAT > (SNIFFLES) DOOR BANGS (SIGHS) (SIGHS) PHONE RINGS PHONE RINGS Mrs Hughes. BREATHING Emily? Emily? (TUTS) (SIGHS) (SNIFFLES) MOUSE CLICKS You're up late. You should never have introduced me to shopping online. Tony really did find something. I'm so transparent? To me? Always. Well,... he thinks he has. I didn't promise to help him. I told him to go home, try to forget Chalons du Bois. < He won't. No. No. Any more than you. Ne te couches pas trop tard, mon amour. POIGNANT MUSIC 1 (SPEAKS FRENCH) MOBILE PHONE BEEPS (SPEAKS FRENCH) Oui? Oui? (SPEAKS FRENCH) (SPEAKS FRENCH) Merci. SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC MAN ON RADIO SPEAKS FRENCH INDISTINCT SHOUTING MAN ON RADIO SPEAKS FRENCH TENSE MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUES INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS REPORTERS CLAMOUR REPORTERS CLAMOUR La police continue sa recherche pour retrouver Oliver Hughes. Cet enfant de cinq ans avec nationalite anglaise qui a disparu hier dans la soiree... > Mum. Tony, I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry. Sweetheart. Oh. Oh, baby, I'm so sorry. (SOBS) < There's police everywhere. < There's police everywhere. < I mean, do they have any leads? Any idea what might have happened? Baptiste from Paris is in charge, but no one's telling us anything. Sylvie, these are my parents, Robert and Penny. Oh, my thoughts are with you. Oh, and this is, uh, Alain. Uh, he's Sylvie's husband. Sylvie has been very kind and said that we can stay here for as long as we like. And of course, no charge. And of course, no charge. Oui. Yes. Of course. And I'm sorry your room is not ready yet, so can I offer you a cup of tea or`? No, we'll wait in our room. (SNIFFLES) He says, um, Olly could have run off and got lost, but it's unlikely. He says, um, Olly could have run off and got lost, but it's unlikely. What is likely? Well, he thinks he could still be alive. He thinks that, um,... we'd already have found him if he was, um... You know, cases like this ` and I see it all the time at court ` it's very often someone you know, someone with a grudge. I mean, you don't think that after what we did...? No, that was a long time ago. It's not that long. We should go inside. INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS TV PLAYS INDISTINCTLY Are you Malik Suri? Are you Malik Suri? Monsieur Ziane. TV PLAYS INDISTINCTLY Chamartaines ` what does this mean? I think you know what it means. Or else you wouldn't be here. TV PLAYS INDISTINCTLY You're a journalist? You're a journalist? I am. What do you know about Chamartaines? Enough. TV PLAYS INDISTINCTLY I want information on the Oliver Hughes case. TV PLAYS INDISTINCTLY Why do you ask me? They have brought in some expert from Paris to tell me what to do. They give me an agent as a partner. No detective experience, but the family like her` Yeah, you're still part of the investigation, though. INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS Tell me what you know, and no one will ever hear about Chamartaines. DRAMATIC MUSIC WOMAN SPEAKS FRENCH ON CAR RADIO FRENCH NEWS BROADCAST CONTINUES Stop the car. Stop the car. Stop the car! I need to get out! Stop! Stop! Stop the car. Stop the car. Stop the car! I need to get out! Stop! Stop! Emily! What? ACTION MUSIC INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS Olly! Olly! Em! Olly! Em! Olly! Emily! Emily? What? What's wrong? I saw Olly! I saw Olly! What? I saw Olly! What? Olly! I saw Olly! Where? Where? He was just... Olly! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Olly! Olly! Olly! Hey, hey. I'm sorry. I thought... I thought he was... I thought he was... my son. > It's all right. It's all right. Sorry. > It's, um... It's Mr and Mrs... It's Mr and Mrs Hughes, isn't it? Yes. Yes. Mark Walsh. And this ` this is my son, James. Say hello. Say hello. Hello. Say hello. Hello. Good boy. Are you all right? I gave you a bit of a scare, didn't I? Sorry. Um, we should, uh... We should get going. Going to the press conference? Me too. We were on holiday when your son went missing, so I volunteered. < I'm the English police liaison officer for your case. Good. Um, that's good, isn't it, love? Well, I'll catch up with you there. And, um, when I get up to speed, I'll sit you down and you'll know what I know, all right? I'll sit you down and you'll know what I know, all right? Thank you. That's appreciated. Say goodbye. Say goodbye. Bye. Seen this boy here? No? You sure? The yellow scarf? Are you sure? No? No. (SHOUTS) TENSE MUSIC RAIN PATTERS Oh. Excusez-moi. I'm looking for this boy. Non. Non. Je cherche. I'm looking for this boy. TENSE MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUES RAIN PATTERS INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS I thought you went home. Well, I did. I knew you believed me. Did you find out anything? I found out who the boy in the photo is. How? How? As you know, this was taken on Bastille Day. Some old colleagues in the department helped search every available image of the celebrations here in Chalons du Bois ` social networking sites, publications, whatever we could find online. Look. We found this. From the licence plate ` a rental ` we... we found the family. That's the boy! What did they say? Did they see Olly? What did they say? They were here on holiday. They say they bought the scarf from a second-hand shop. Do you believe them? I have no reason to assume they are lying. In the meantime, it can't hurt to explore the story. You've been going to charity shops. You've been going to charity shops. Well, I have visited four already. Nothing. Yeah, but if we can find the shop, if we can find that, we can find out who handed the scarf in` Tony, there are three other second-hand shops in this area. And if indeed one of them received this scarf, it was in all likelihood many years ago, so one step at a time. Hmm? (SIGHS) BOTH: Madame, breakfast is served. Wow. Look at this! Just thought, for the first day in our new house. Your new house, our old one. Dad was just gonna go to McDonald's. Dad was just gonna go to McDonald's. Yeah, and what's wrong with that? Dad was just gonna go to McDonald's. Yeah, and what's wrong with that? Oh, that's very sweet of you. And I made the pancakes, too. And I made the pancakes, too. Yeah, don't touch the pancakes. Aren't you two gonna have anything? Aren't you two gonna have anything? No, we're just gonna watch you. Aren't you two gonna have anything? No, we're just gonna watch you. And steal some pancakes. It's lovely of you. Both of you. I'm just gonna nip to the loo. I'll be back in one second. OK? Don't be too long, cos we'll eat all the pancakes! WATER SPLASHES (SNIFFLES) (SOBS) (SOBS) (SOBS) (SOBS) Your records are very thorough, Madame. Well,... I started this shop after I lost my husband. I would sift through his things in the wardrobe to get to mine. > I would sift through his things in the wardrobe to get to mine. > Is it in there? You cannot live that way forever, so I began to sell his things, all his clothes, but I never forgot. > You know that knowledge, that, uh, a life's possessions, that they... they have a life of their own, > even beyond you. Since then, I... I take people's names and when someone makes a purchase, I send a postcard. 'Your pink teddy bear has been sold to a little girl for 5 euros.' Yeah, you probably think me silly. You know, uh, I was a police officer for 40 years ` I know better than to make such judgments. Tony. It's there. Yellow scarf, ONH. Look, here. And the name and the address of the woman who brought it in four years ago. It's been here four years,... while we... Have I helped? Oh, you've... you've been a great help, Madame. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you. De rien. > Thank you. You're welcome. Au revoir. HOPEFUL MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUES TRAIN WHOOSHES MUSIC CONTINUES MUSIC INTENSIFIES MUSIC CONTINUES CAR ENGINE STOPS MUSIC CONTINUES MUSIC INTENSIFIES MUSIC CONTINUES Bonjour, Madame. (SPEAKS FRENCH) MUSIC FADES (SPEAKS FRENCH) INTENSE MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUES Mrs Hughes. Mrs Hughes. I'm not here to give an interview. Well, if you're not here to give an interview, then why did you call me? Tony's gone back. To Chalons du Bois? He thinks he's found something. And you're telling me this because...? Well, I know you're going to follow him out there, and when you do, I want to know what he's found, what he thinks he's found. I don't do errands, Mrs Hughes. I don't do errands, Mrs Hughes. If you don't care what he's doing, don't go. If you wanna know what he's doing there, why don't you just ask him? If you wanna know what he's doing there, why don't you just ask him? Well, I'm asking you,... aren't I? TRAFFIC WHOOSHES TRAFFIC WHOOSHES I'll call you when I know something. INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS (SPEAKS FRENCH) < (SPEAKS FRENCH) (SIGHS) Je le reconnais. Je le reconnais. What's she saying? Je le reconnais. What's she saying? She remembers you. And the scarf? Does she recognise the scarf? (SPEAKS FRENCH) PHOTOS RUSTLE (SIGHS, SPEAKS FRENCH) Merci, Madame. Merci beaucoup pour votre accueil. Uh, attendez. Il y a quatre ans quand on a renove la maison et j'ai vide la cave. < J'emmenai des caisses au magasin de seconde main. Pensez-vous que l'echarpe se trouvait a l'interieur? On a rassemble tout ce dont on n'avait pas besoin. What's going on? What's going on? < L'echarpe. What's going on? < L'echarpe. L'echarpe. The scarf? Dites-moi. Il y a huit ans durant l'ete quand Oliver a disparu, ou etiez-vous ou votre mari? Uh, on etait en vacances. Uh, on etait en vacances. Tell me. What's she saying? Uh, on etait en vacances. Tell me. What's she saying? Vous pouvez le verifier. Four years ago, she had her house decorated, emptied the cellar, and several things were taken to the second-hand shop. Oliver's scarf must have got mixed up in there. Well, how? How? Well, how? How? In July 2006,... she and her family were away,... the house was empty. I think... perhaps your son was taken here. Here? (SPEAKS FRENCH) (SPEAKS FRENCH) (SIGHS) Tony, nothing is certain. Uh, yeah, I just need to, um, splash some water on my face or something. BOTH SPEAK FRENCH TENSE MUSIC < Monsieur? DRAMATIC MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUES Tony, I understand, but we need to go. < Monsieur? < Monsieur? Tony, I will make some calls. I will do this through the proper channels. Please,... trust me. He was here. DRAMATIC MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUES What? MUSIC CONTINUES RUSTLING (GASPS) Olly. Olly. DRAMATIC MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUES Captions by Faith Hamblyn. www.able.co.nz Captions were made possible with funding from NZ On Air. Copyright Able 2015