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A meteor strike gives super powers to a Neighbourhood Watch group, who soon decide to take the law into their own hands. It's now up to Minogue and O'Leary to take the law back.

New Zealand's capital city is a hotbed of supernatural activity, so Officers Minogue and O'Leary take to the streets to investigate all manner of paranormal phenomena.

Primary Title
  • Wellington Paranormal
Episode Title
  • The Revengers
Date Broadcast
  • Wednesday 24 March 2021
Start Time
  • 20 : 30
Finish Time
  • 21 : 00
  • 30:00
  • 3
  • 5
  • TVNZ 2
  • Television New Zealand
Programme Description
  • New Zealand's capital city is a hotbed of supernatural activity, so Officers Minogue and O'Leary take to the streets to investigate all manner of paranormal phenomena.
Episode Description
  • A meteor strike gives super powers to a Neighbourhood Watch group, who soon decide to take the law into their own hands. It's now up to Minogue and O'Leary to take the law back.
  • PGR
Owning Collection
  • Chapman Archive
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
  • English
Captioning Languages
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • No
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
  • Television programs--New Zealand
  • Paranormal phenomena--New Zealand
  • Police--New Zealand
  • Capitals (Cities)--Wellington--New Zealand
  • Comedy
  • Crime
  • Fantasy
  • Tim van Dammen (Director)
  • Paul Yates (Producer)
  • Amanda Alison (Writer)
  • Mike Minogue (Actor)
  • Karen O'Leary (Actor)
  • Maaka Pohatu (Actor)
  • The New Zealand Documentary Board (Production Unit)
  • NZ On Air (Funder)
- I'll just get you to stay with your car, please, ma'am. - So, we're just doing some regular policing today. We've pulled this young woman over for speeding. - Over here, please. - Discovered that someone in a car matching this description has actually been charged with vandalising letter boxes in the area earlier today. - We've got reason to believe you've attacked a letter box in the area. - It wasn't me. - No? You've got a baseball bat in the back seat here. - Nah, that's a softball bat. - Is it your softball bat? - Nah. - What's it doing in your car? - Not my car. - It's not your car. So you just got out of someone else's car? - Nah. - Well, we just saw you exit that vehicle, so what's going on? - What were you doing in this car - breaking and entering? - Nah. - Are you stealing it? - Nah. - What were you doing in there? - Nah. - That's not actually an answer to that question. - You live in this area? - Nah, just visiting my ex. - So would your ex happen to be the person that lives at number 12 with a smashed-in letter box? - Who reported this terrible crime? - Well, we're not at liberty to divulge that. - It was Neighbourhood Watch, wasn't it? - OK, so this young woman will get a ticket for speeding and also for driving without a warrant of fitness. And, I mean- - O'Leary. - Hang on a second, Minogue. As for the letter box, what will happen- - O'Leary. - Just trying to talk about... - Yeah. Is that a meteor? - Nah, it's a meteorite. - What's the difference? - A meteor vaporises in the Earth's atmosphere. (WHOOSH!) (CRASH!) - Is that a police matter? - Uh, it could be putting people in danger, so, I guess, yes. Yes, it is. You just- Hope you've learnt your lesson, and we'll get in touch with you later. ('WELLINGTON PARANORMAL' THEME MUSIC) Captions by Able. www.able.co.nz (SIZZLING) - So we followed the meteorite, and, as it happens, we're the first officers on the scene. - First on the scene. Yeah, and obviously our main priority is public safety. We've spoken to these people, and no one seems to be hurt. So now, we'll just continue sectioning off the crater and then go and talk to some of these other nearby residents. - Hey, guys. Come over and have a look at this. You won't get a chance to see this very often. - No, no, stand back, please. Stay back, OK? - Actually, probably better if you stand back, all right? - Behind the cones. - This is dangerous. That's why we've got the tape and the cones, so just back it up a bit. - Until we bring the tape round to that side, just imagine there's tape over there. - I haven't got enough tape. - What? - I underestimated the amount of tape that we're gonna need. - Where's the rest of it? (KNOCKS ON DOOR) - Neighbourhood Watch. (DOOR OPENS) - Hello, sir. I'm Officer O'Leary. This is Officer Minogue. - You guys here about the tree - the one that drops its leaves all over my lawn? - No, no, no. We're here about the meteorite from outer space, which has landed in front of your house over there. - Takes a bloody meteor for you lot to turn up. You don't care about my leaves, but you care about the meteor. - Oh, it's actually- Mate, it's a meteorite, not a meteor, OK? There is a difference. - What is the difference? - Um... Well, probably a more important question is - can you tell us what happened? - OK, well, I was working on my fuse box, cos I'm an electrician - Electricity Bill. My name's Bill. Rates are on the back. Felt this electrical (STAMMERS) surge just come through me. You know, it was... - Electrocuted yourself? - No, just, it was a surge that came through me. - Oh, right. - But I didn't hurt myself, cos, you know, I'm quite tough. I did hear screams coming from Molly next door, though. (ELECTRIC CRACKLING) (ELECTRIC CRACKLING CONTINUES) - You all right, mate? - I'm fine. You guys all right? - Yeah, good, thanks. - Yeah, we're good. Thank you. Thanks for your help. - I was just patting Chairman Miaow when it struck, and he leapt off my lap, ran away, terrified. He sprayed his scent on my carpet. - Is Chairman Miaow your husband? - I'm pretty sure it's her cat. - Oh, how did your cat become a chairman? - That's just the cat's name. - First name - Chairman; last name - Miaow. - Can you help me find him? - Yeah, they probably won't. - Maybe we won't. - I mean, I reckon he's really terrified. He's probably under the house or something. Can you please help me find him? - I might have a few leads, Molly. That's an electrician joke. - Yeah, we got it. (SIGHS) Explain it to me later. - HUSHED: I will. Yup. - SINGS WOEFULLY: # Aaaaaah. # Puss, puss, puuuuss. # Puss, puss, Chairman Miaow. - (OFFICER MINOGUE MIAOWS) - # Puss, puss, puss. (MOLLY AND OFFICER MINOGUE SING) # Kitty, kitty, kitty. # Almost there, puss, puss, puss. # Brrrr! - Here, puss, puss, puss! (ALL MIAOW) - Hi. - Hello. - Are you here to talk to her about putting her non-organic rubbish in my skip clearly labelled 'organic materials only'? - No, don't talk to George. He's not a part of our Neighbourhood Watch crew. - He's part of the community, though. - You just stick to your stupid roses, George. - These roses win prizes. - Yes. Second prizes. (CHUCKLES) - Ooh. Second's quite good. - That's not actually that bad. - (HISSES) - Let's just de-escalate the situation, please, OK? Stop. Look, we need to try and make sure that this cat's... safe - Chairman Miaow. (WATER SPRAYS) - (MOLLY YELPS, YOWLS) (MOLLY GROWLS, HISSES) - Her adrenaline's obviously still pumping. - (SINGS SOFTLY) - Thank you. See you, George. Good luck with your roses. - (MOLLY SINGS SOFTLY) - Be careful, guys. That looks heavy. I'd give you a hand, but I... I stuffed my back - playing touch. Just mind the paintwork, guys. (THUD!) Good on you, guys. Thank you. Well, don't touch me. You all have radioactive stuff on you. O'Leary. (ENGINE REVS SOFTLY, SCRAPING) (RINGING TONE) (EERIE MUSIC) (PHONE BLIPS) - Morena, team. A lot of excitement following yesterday's meteorite crash. I just want to acknowledge O'Leary and Minogue for being first on the scene. (APPLAUSE) - Just right place at the right time. - It was luck, really. - Some excellent driving. - Probably dedication... - And quite a lot of skill. - ...to police work, and skills, obviously. - Sure. However, conversely, none of you were first on the scene at this morning's attempted robbery at the Clark St bank, were you? It was foiled by a group of potentially dangerous vigilantes who restrained the assailant and left this note. - Well, that's nice. (CHUCKLES) - Well, yeah, but unless it's, like, that kinda sarcastic 'you're welcome'. - Whether they meant it sarcastically or not remains to be seen. But as far as I'm concerned, you're not welcome - any of you. Now, we do not want to encourage these types of vigilante acts. There's potential it could become unsafe, and it's our job to enforce the law, not the public's. Right? Now go out there and do your jobs. Thank you very much. Dismissed. Now, take a look at these images from the security cameras. Now, this is the attempted liquor store robber. - Very blurry. - I can't- It's- I can't really see it. - You guys might want to physically zoom in yourselves, so zoom in. (CHAIRS SCRAPE) Zoom times two. (CHAIRS SCRAPE TWICE) Times three. (CHAIRS SCRAPE THRICE) Yeah, that should do it. So it appears that the vigilantes have restrained this woman here using a mixture of wire and electrical tape. You can't quite make it out, but underneath the restraints, it appears that she has slash marks on her clothes. Next image. This is the bank robber. Notice that he appears to have electrical burns here, around the neck and in the abdomen area. We don't have any footage of the vigilantes that did this, because apparently the rest of the security footage was wiped, as if by some huge electrical surge. - Is that normal? - I reckon that's suspicious. - Mm. - It is. So I want the two of you to get out there and find out what's going on. - Yeah, and when should we do that? - Probably right now. - Copy that. (CHAIRS SCRAPE REPEATEDLY) * - So, it appears these potentially dangerous vigilantes have, in fact, foiled another crime. We're just gonna talk to this young man over here. Can you look at me when I'm talking to you, please? - I'm a bit stuck here. - OK, well, look- - Can't you see? - Yeah, well, I can see. That's what I wanna know more about. Can you describe what happened, please? What's happened here? - This old lady... - No, old woman. - That's right - woman, the better word. - Old lady. Write that down as is - 'old lady.' Old like you. - Can you describe the...? - Hang on a minute. - There's no... - So you think I look old? - Yeah, ancient. - It's the hat - makes me look old. Do you think if I had a moustache, I would look younger? - This is not really helping with the investigation, OK? - Just while we've got him here. - OK, you guys- OK, look. There's a bit of tension here. - We'll talk to you later. - You just do the notes, and we'll talk to this guy. Can you describe this lady to me, please? - She was furry, like a cat, like, miaow! - A cat? OK. - Miaow! (HISSES) - And then what did she do? - She vomited on me, like this. All this came out. - OK, that's a lot to come out of a potentially elderly woman. We probably need to look for her as well to make sure she's OK. Anything else? - Her old boomer mate. He electrocuted me. - What did he electrocute you with? - His hands. - Oh, come on, mate. - Electricity came out of his fingers. - Ah, yeah, I'm sure it did (!) - Well, again, we certainly don't- - I'm not lying. I don't lie. - OK. Did you do this? - No, it wasn't me. - So this spray can's not yours? - Nah, nah, not mine. - That red stuff on your hand, someone else did that, did they? - Yeah. - OK. It is quite good that this petty criminal has actually been apprehended. - Mm-hm. - But we strongly advise that the public leave the crime fighting to the professionals. - Yeah, or us. - I mean, you can't just go around electrocuting people. - Nah. I mean, we tase people. - Well, that's true, but we're the police. - Yeah. Electrocuting people should be special - just for us. - No. Tasing should be only deployed in threatening situations by trained individuals. - Oh, you could put it that way. But essentially, it boils down to - we get to do the electrocuting, no one else. - I really don't think that's the point of having the Taser, OK? - I know. It's the last resort. - It's the last line of defence. - Yeah. Yup. - OK? So it's not really about the electrocution, is it? - No, I know. - It's not like, 'Oh. I know what we can have as police. - It's interesting, because it's the last line of defence, but it's the only weapon we've got, so it's also the first line of defence. - I disagree, because what's our number-one weapon, Minogue? We've talked about this. - Baton. - No, it's the ability to talk to our community,... - Oh, yeah. - ...OK, and reason with people. - Mm. - OK, negotiate - all of those things. That's the number-one weapon - communication. - So first weapon's our mouth. - Yes. - And the second weapon's the electricity gun. - So, due to possible radiation, we're wearing these police-issue hazmat suits to protect us from cosmic rays. (DOOR CREAKS) - It could be highly dangerous. I cannot stress enough - until we identify the energy signal, please do not touch the met- - Don't touch it! - Here's your cuppa tea. - (WARBLING) - I just told you not to touch it. Wait. - Huh? - How do you feel, Parker? - I've been struggling lately, but I think I'm getting through it. Thanks for asking. - Not that. Do you feel different in any way? - Um, no more than normal. - (GROANS) Where's your hazmat suit? - (SIGHS) I got noodles on it. (CHUCKLES) - Go get it on, please. - OK. Sure. Sorry, sir. Yup! - All right. (SPOON CLINKS AGAINST CUP) (WHOOSH!) - I mean, it's just a theory, but is it possible that these cosmic rays from the meteorite have given people, like, some sorta weird superpowers during the shock wave? - Well, if this meteorite could give people superpowers, I'd be very interested in witnessing that. - Sorry to interrupt. - Yup. - Sarge, I've just got a report that might be of interest. A burglar at a pharmacy in Naenae. And a couple of minutes later - superheroes fighting a burglar at a pharmacy in Naenae. I thought it might be connected. Maybe, maybe not. (CHUCKLES) - All right, good work, Parker. So the two of you, get over to Naenae and check that pharmacy out. - Copy that. - Yup. - We've had a callout to the pharmacy where there was an attempted burglary taking place, but it looks like the would-be offender's already been taken care of. Gidday, mate. - Hello. - What's going on here? (ALARM BLARES) - Well, I was just rob... looking for some hair products. - Were you gonna say 'robbing'? - Yeeeeah. - Were you gonna say 'robbing'? Because this is closed. - Yes, I was. - Yes. - You realise that you can go to jail for that? - It's illegal. - Those superheroes stopped me. - Superheroes? - This cat lady pounced, like, 20ft and scratched me. - Whew! - This weird girl just kept on making random comments. Then this guy electrocuted me. It really hurt, but it was cool. - What did they use to electrocute you with? - Was it electricity hands? - Electricity hands. - Sounds like it could be the same people. - They took a while, because a lot of people around wanted to get selfies with them, so- - Selfies? - Yeah, well, actually, I got a selfie with them too. They took it on my phone. You wanna have a look? Yeah, that's the one. That's just after they caught me. - Look, the Neighbourhood Watch. - Yeah. - Yeah, they were dangerous, but cool. - WRYLY: Dangerous but cool. - Oh, I know. I mean, look, have we ever been asked for selfies when we've been solving crimes? - Absolutely not. Not once have we been asked to take a selfie. I've tried to take a selfie - with the criminals, and their lawyers say 'illegal',... 'breach of human rights', 'off the force'. - Remember, also, yeah, it's just not entirely professional, you know? - No, well, the point's been made, but the point that I'm making is they never wanna get any selfies with us. - Maybe we should just not wanna get selfies with them, anyway. I mean, it's like those vigilantes are just trying to do our job. - Exactly. They're usurpers. We've been usurped. - You know what? We would have got to that pharmacy and stopped that robbery. - Absolutely. - Why didn't you, though? - Because we were on another job, actually, OK? - But they got electricity hands. - OK, well, you know what? For starters, OK, it's raining. Electricity and water do not mix, OK? So any intelligent vigilante would actually know that. - I mean, if I knew that I could just go out there and solve crimes, I woulda done it without spending any time at police college. - No, that makes you as bad as them. - Or as good as them, cos they've been pretty effective. By touching the meteorite with his bare hands, it would appear that Constable Parker has become magnetic. - Mostly with cutlery. (KEYS JANGLE) And keys. - It seems the same thing has also affected those in the immediate shock wave of the crash. Radiation has mutated them on a cellular level, making them superhuman. - Sarge, look. (WARBLING) - As you can observe here, this phenomenon - we're actually gotta take Parker back to the lab and run further tests. (CLANK!) Now he's just showing off. Minogue and O'Leary have also had close contact with the meteorite. Is it possible that it could have made them spectacular in some kind of way? - Do you reckon I'd look good with a moustache? - No. - You sure? Imagine it. - I'm trying really hard not to. - See? MUFFLED: Excuse me, sir, you're under arrest. CLEARLY: Excuse me, sir, you're under arrest. - See, that was weaker. - I know, but I feel weaker without it. Slow down, O'Leary, look. - What's that? Is that fence on fire? What does it say? - MINOGUE AND O'LEARY: 'Pick up your dog poo.' - It's good advice. (FOOTSTEPS APPROACH) - (BANGS ON WINDOW, SHOUTS INDISTINCTLY) They're after me! - Who are? - (STAMMERS) These people,... - Looks like rain. ...they've got superpowers. They attacked me cos I forgot to pick up my dog poo. - Dog poo? Why do you own one of those? - Just get in, get in. - (WHIMPERS) Go, go! - Yeah, OK, we're going. - This cat lady scratched me, and there's this guy, he was trying to electrocute me! - It sounds like those vigilantes are at it again. - They've ripped up his jazzy outfit. - Oh, no, no, just this shirt. I bought the jeans pre-ripped. - Well, I want the number of that place, because they shouldn't be selling clothes in that condition. - Look, we need to go! - OK, I am going, all right? - Go! We need to drive. - You need to stay calm, OK? I am going, OK? So just don't wo... (CAR ENGINE STOPS) Car's crapped out. - It's too late! (THUNDER RUMBLES) - O'Leary, the door's been held shut, as if by some supernatural force. - Now I'm panicking! - No need to panic. Stay calm. - Why's everybody saying the word 'panic', O'Leary?! - Because people are panicking, and they need to stay calm, OK? Don't you start- (GLASS SMASHES) - Too late, O'Leary! I'm panicking! (ALL SHOUT OVER EACH OTHER) (ELECTRICITY CRACKLES) - Help me, help me! It burns! It buuuur- (SCREAMS) (CRACKLING) - Where'd he go? (CRACKLING FADES) Up that alleyway. - Pursuing on foot. - Pursuing on foot! - He went down this alleyway! - There they are! - Stop! Police! (TENSE MUSIC) The Neighbourhood Watch group. We met yesterday. - Nah, nah, nah. We're the Revengers. (YOWLS) (CURIOUS MUSIC) (CURIOUS MUSIC) * (DRAMATIC MUSIC) I believe that this meteorite could hold the key to defeating the Revengers. Perhaps it's some kind of kryptonite if we could somehow reverse the polarity of the energy signal. Not quite sure how you do that. (CLINKING) Still no suit, Parker? - I couldn't fit it over all the cutlery. But I think the damage has been done anyway. I mean,... (LIGHT SIZZLING) ...see? nothing. (WARBLING, CLANK!) - Parker, your powers are intensifying. We definitely need to get you to these Revengers. You might be the only one who can stop them if you can harness your abilities. - I think I can. (WARBLING) - Give my... Give my watch back, please, Parker. - I don't know how, Sarge. Harness it. Harness it. (WHOOSH! CLANK!) - This is not an easy one to explain. - (MOLLY YOWLS) - Well, basically an overly zealous Neighbourhood Watch group have mutated to form superpowers, and they've now gotten power-hungry. - That's basically it, pretty much. - Electricity Bill. - I'm Power Man now. And I've got the power of, uh... (ELECTRICITY CRACKLES) ...of power. - I'm Cat Lady. I'm a fur-midable foe for petty criminals. - That was a terrible pun. - (DISTORTED GASP) - My puns are better than hers. - Tom Petty was an American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and record producer. - Hang on, sorry. Who's she, sorry? - She's Google Girl. She's got the power of the internet. I mean, is that even a power, when I could just look it up on my phone? - She doesn't need a phone. That's the point. - That's the thing. She doesn't need the phone. - The meteorite gave us all different powers, and we're gonna use them to do what you guys don't do. - Yeah, exactly. - We're gonna protect the citizens of Wellington. - Hang on a minute. That's exactly what we do. - That's our job. - Not only do we do that- Yeah, that's our job. - It's in our job description, OK? - There'd be no point in us doing it- being here if- - We're not gonna stop until the streets are clean. (CAR HORN BEEPS) - Who's this now? (MUFFLED FUNKY MUSIC PLAYS) (HANDBRAKE GRINDS) - Hey. Guys, hey. - It's George. - I've got superpowers too. I wanna join your, you know, (HESITANTLY) superhero, um... group team. I can make water come out of my hands. I can do jet. I haven't quite harnessed it yet. This hand's a bit weaker than my this hand! I've got strength in this jet! Or I can do mist. See? - No, George. No, you didn't join our Neighbourhood Watch group. - (YOWLS, COUGHS) (SPLAT!) - Aw, yuck! Molly. (SCOFFS) (YELPS) My eyes! (GROANS) (JET STOPS) I get the picture. You don't need me. (POIGNANT PIANO MUSIC) Seat's wet. (PURRS) (CAR DOOR CLOSES) - (PHONE BLIPS) Person reported stealing tennis balls from Caltex Basin Reserve. - Let's catch him and scratch him. - No. Stop right there, please. - You've gotta stop hurting people, OK? - I've got a Taser, and I'm only a little bit afraid to use it. (ELECTRICITY CRACKLES) - (GRUNTS) (ELECTRICITY CRACKLES) Psh, psh, psh, psh! (ELECTRIC ZAPS) - Excuse me, Bill. That is police property. You can't just keep it up there in the sky all day, OK? - PARKER: Hey! You're under arrest! (PANTS) (OBJECTS JANGLE) (DRAMATIC MUSIC) (GRUNTS, PANTS) GROANS: Sorry. Just a second. (PANTS) (GROANS) (OBJECTS CLANK) - MAAKA: Yes, Parker, feel it. Focus your energy. Harness your ability. Use your poweeeer! - Poweeeeeer! Oh, it's working! I'm harnessing! I'm harnessing! (CLANK! THUD!) - Ooh. - Ooh. - Ooh. - Look, we just want you to stop hurting people. - Unlike you, we wanna save people. - Freeze! Police! - Freeze, police police! - GEORGE: Yeah, freeze! - (YOWLS) (HISSES) Stop squirting me, George. - I think there's some romantic history here. - Look, you guys are all breaking the law to uphold the law, which is against the law. - You can't stop us. - Yeah. (ELECTRICITY CRACKLES) - Electricity hands! (GRUNTS) (WHOOSH!) - GEORGE: It's time you had a power cut, Bill! - (GRUNTS) - Please desist! I don't think it's a good idea to mix electricity and water! (BOTH GROAN) You could've had me, Molly! - Molly's with me now, George! - (YOWLS) (BOTH GROAN) (BOOM!) - (PANTS) - I think they knocked each other out, O'Leary. (METAL OBJECTS CLANG) - My powers. They were almost harnessed. - Miaow! (THUD!) (DOG BARKS) - So, the self-titled Revengers managed to take care of themselves. - Electricity does not mix with water, is what I've learned. So I've come to realise where I've gone wrong with washing the Taser. - And I've learnt that, you know, having superpowers is not actually optimal for suburban policing. - It was probably better that we didn't have superpowers. (METAL OBJECTS CLATTER) - I mean, I guess our uniforms are a bit like a costume, and we do have a catchphrase. BOTH: Safer communities together.
  • Television programs--New Zealand
  • Paranormal phenomena--New Zealand
  • Police--New Zealand
  • Capitals (Cities)--Wellington--New Zealand