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Bernard introduces John to New London while Lenina struggles with reintegration after their visit to the Savage Lands.

In a utopia where perfection hinges on control of monogamy and privacy, members of the collective begin to question the rules, putting their regimented society on a collision course with forbidden love and revolution.

Primary Title
  • Brave New World
Episode Title
  • Swallow
Date Broadcast
  • Tuesday 12 April 2022
Start Time
  • 00 : 15
Finish Time
  • 01 : 05
  • 50:00
  • 4
  • TVNZ 2
  • Television New Zealand
Programme Description
  • In a utopia where perfection hinges on control of monogamy and privacy, members of the collective begin to question the rules, putting their regimented society on a collision course with forbidden love and revolution.
Episode Description
  • Bernard introduces John to New London while Lenina struggles with reintegration after their visit to the Savage Lands.
  • 16
Owning Collection
  • Chapman Archive
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
  • English
Captioning Languages
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • No
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
  • Television programs--United States
  • Drama
  • Science fiction
  • Thriller
(LIGHT CHIMES) (AMBIENT MUSIC) (DISPENSER CLICKS) (GENTLE MUSIC) (ELECTRONIC MUSIC) (ELECTRONIC MUSIC) - (PANTS) Talk to me. ('BRAVE NEW WORLD' THEME PLAYS) Captions by Able. Captions were made with the support of NZ On Air. - (PANTS) That again. - (GROANS) - Costumes for the party tonight are... Well, what you'd expect. Helm Watson does love some sparkle. You printed yours yet? Henry? Have you printed` - That was different. You were different. - Oh? - I'm the Alpha. I'm supposed to lead. - Yes, I know. - So... - Did you like it? - I told you, it was strange. - That's not what I asked. Did you like it? - You're not making any sense today. - It's all right, you know. If you did, you could... say. - Lenina. - Answer the question. - Give it. - Sit and I might. - You need to act your level. - I said sit. - That's my chair. This is my office. - I'm aware. - So I sit there. Where you're sitting. You're seated where I sit. Oh, you think this is funny? - It's a simple question. Did you, Henry, like it? Do you like not being in control? For once, just that little moment. Not knowing what would happen, what could happen? I liked it. Did you like that I liked it? - That's enough. - No. - What? - You're going to wait. - Lenina... - You're going to wait and when I give you this Soma... it'll be the very best Soma you've ever had. Maybe I won't give it to you. Maybe you never take this Soma. Maybe we never take another Soma for the rest of our lives. What would happen if we... (GASPS) (DISPENSER CLICKS) - I didn't hurt you, did I? - No, I'm fine. There are other ways to be, Henry. Other p... - We won't do this again. Do you understand? Good. It's over now. (PULSING ELECTRONIC MUSIC) - Counsellor Marx? - What is this place? - Come with me, please. Do keep up. - Controller Mond, thank you so much. It's an honour to be here` - How goes his integration? - Ah, yes. It's going well, I think. - It's not. In fact, it's not going at all, is it? - Well, he's learning the system. I mean, John's attending sessions daily and, um, those are every day` - How can the social body absorb John if they never meet the man? - Yes, true. No, John... (STUTTERS) I suppose John has shown some reluctance to engage, um, but there was that incident at the feelie theatre a few nights ago. - I am aware. - Yes, and... and he's lost his mother, of course. And his kind, they don't process trauma very well, at all. Um, and there's also... Sorry, I don't really know how to say this, but, um... I have reason to believe that the... the Director, former Director... may have been John's... - His father? - Yes. Yes. I mean, that would explain why the Director... I mean, the shame must have been unbearable. And... Given everything that we're asking of John` - I think it's best that he doesn't know. - No, of course. You're right. I just... There's also the question of how the social body will react to John. - How are your levels? - Oh, um, my levels? Fine, thank you. Um... - Your job is not to protect. Your job is to assimilate. Introduce John to New London. Teach him how to think and show him how he fits. Show them. - And, um... what if I can't? - Then Indra will make a correction. - Oh, Indra doesn't do that. - Tell that to the Epsilon. I believe you have work to do. There will be a new Director soon. - So, what did you want to talk about? (CALM PIANO MUSIC PLAYS) (CALM PIANO MUSIC PLAYS) (CALM PIANO MUSIC PLAYS) - Hello, John. I'm told you've been making lots of progress. It's excellent. Do you want to step out for a bit? - No, I'm good. - Come on, children. - Well, you... You can't stay in conditioning forever, John. - Why not? - Well... - The food's good. Kids are pretty cool. That one's a sneaky little prick. Don't give me that look. You know what you did. - John, there's a whole city out there waiting to meet you. - We met. - I understand why you might be reluctant after the other night. - Mm-hm. - And I'm sure that New London can be... well, a very confusing place for someone like you. That's why I'm here. To help you. And I really think, for us` - I told you, I'm not putting that shit in my eye. - It's gonna be very tricky for you to navigate without it, John. I'll bridge the gap` - What's to navigate? - Well, people's levels, for example. Without a signifier, you can't see anyone's level. - Alpha, Alpha, Beta, Beta Gamma, Delta, Beta, Alpha, Alpha. And of course, the poor bastards cleaning up are Epsilons. - Excellent. Although the Epsilons enjoy their work. - Right. - They do. - You know, I've been watching you people. You got the whole thing rigged. Back home, we had 'levels' too. - Well, you know, it's good that you've been observing our social body and how it functions. You seem to have taken, well, an awful lot in already. And... I know it's hard for you to understand coming from a place where people... Well, where people are dissatisfied. Um, but here... - I've never seen one up close before. - In fact, wanting things, John, can be very destabilising. - I think he likes you. - Here, everyone's happy. Connected. Everyone fits. - Bullshit. - Oh, you don't believe me? Why don't we go out and ask people? Hmm? We can go outside, you can engage them in conversation. (EERIE MUSIC) John. - OK. - Sorry? - Let's go. - Great. Good. You're gonna like it here, John. Everyone has a place. There's no hunger, no violence, pleasures you couldn't possibly imagine. - Hey, kid. It just takes a flick. - Is everyone on the court? Sorry I'm late. - Is it true? - Yes. I am truly sorry. - You know what I mean. Is it true you know that Savage? The one who went wild in the feelie theatre. Why didn't you tell me? I had to hear it from Vivian, of all people. - I have to tell you everything? - Yes. - You know, what if... Maybe there's a little part of me that's... - What? - Mine. Don't you want that? Something that's yours, something that` - It's private and solipsistic and... everyone belongs to everyone else. - I don't` - I... Why are you... You're being very... - What? - Different. - Maybe I am a little. - No, you're not. You're the same as me. Frannie and Lenina. We're Beta Pluses. We like the same things. We do the same things. We're the same. Exactly. The only difference is that sometimes interesting things happen to you for absolutely no reason, and... - Go on. It's not fair, is it? I got Henry Foster. I was monogamous. I broke the rules. I got to go to the Savage Lands. It's not fair. - No, it isn't. You're just lucky. And you're... - Say it. No, don't take that. You don't have to. Listen to me. It'll pass. (DISPENSER CLICKS) - Let go. - It's OK to feel it. It changes. It becomes something` - I'm so sorry. My levels were... - Don't apologise. - I love that we can joke around. I just think you take it a bit` (DOOR SLAMS) - (SIGHS) Let's play. Yes! - What are you doing? - Winning. What are you doing? - We're trying to have fun, right? - Yeah, I'd like that. - Take an indigo. You didn't have any at the last break. Your levels must be` - Vivian. How about this time you try to hit it over the net? - Anyone ready to transition to the post-match festivities? - Yes, definitely. - We're not done. (ALL GRUNT) - (SIGHS) - Lenina, are you OK? - She's fine. - See you girls inside? - Mm-hm. Do you remember when you could keep up with me? - Serve. (INTENSE MUSIC) - Well played. - You know, you're right. We are the same. Same clothes, same hair, same everything. We even have sex with all the same people. I suppose the only difference is the order. You always seem to come second. (WHISPERS) Why do you think that is? - (YELLS) (DISPENSER CLICKS) - It's time to introduce you to New London, John. Properly, this time. And if you wanna make the right impression, there's only one person who has a finger on the pulse of the social body, who knows everyone, who... - What? - Just... be your best self. - Fuck you. ('FUR ELISE' BY BEETHOVEN PLAYS) - How bad? - You remember 'Pleasure Bomb 88'? - (GROANS) Um, you'd better wait here. - I think I should come with you. - Um... No, no, it's OK. Zoe will look after you. - OK. Hi. (DISPENSERS CLICK) - I said get out. - It's me. - Bernard, what are you doing here? No, go away. Don't look. - Uh-oh. How many did you take? - I don't know. Two? Seven? What does it matter? All the greens in the world don't make a yellow. But you do, Bernie. - Yellow is reserved for acute emotional trauma. (SNIGGERS) - Yellow. Then be brutal. Pill first. - Brutal? - With your critique. - Oh, '138'. Yes. Um... Very good. Very, um... wet. - Not too wet for you? - No. No. For me personally, actually, it's kind of just the right amount of wet. - Bernard, did you see my feelie? I will never forgive you. - I wanted to, I really did, but there were... - Orange is the colour of forgiveness. And red. - Not funny. No, don't take them togeth... - You're my friend. - So who's up there? - Helm Watson. Wilhelmina Watson? Director of 'The Pleasure Bomb'. She's a visionary. Alpha Plus. - Oh, Alpha Plus. Big time. Like Bernard. (FAINT SNIGGERS) So what are you... What are you all doing out here? - We were banished. - Banished? For what? (DISPENSERS CLICK) - (SCOFFS) - Didn't my water haptics completely revolutionise the medium and create an experience unlike anything anyone has ever felt? Yes, obviously. But that's not the point, is it? - Isn't it? - No. No, Bernard. No, it's not. Because they want it all again. They're clamouring. Now. And I have to give it to them. But bigger, better, more. I don't know more. What if I can't? - I mean, you will. You always do this to yourself. - And no one helps me. I'm surrounded by these people. These Epsilonic cowards. They talk about me. They do. I hear them. They want me to fail. Zoe, that pneumatic little Beta, spying for Marco Hoover. - Oh, stop it. - Oh, yes, and I have to announce 'Pleasure Bomb 139' tonight. I barely have a concept. All I have is... (GASPS) - - Are you all right? - Don't. Don't talk. Oh, this is very good Soma. - Soma is Soma. - Don't talk. Sorry, I thought I was having a... - Having a...? - Never mind. I'll do it later. - Helm? - Yes. - I've brought you something. - So let me get this straight. So she just says some stuff and waves her hands and you do all the work? - I just calibrate the haptics. - Right, but the haptics are the whole thing. You just told me. - The haptics create the sensations. Like... the way your skin constricts when you plunge into water. - You're doing it again. You're changing the subject, Zoe. - I am? - Yes, you're being very... - Welcoming? Warm? Stimulating? - You're Beta, right? - Of course. - Do you ever wanna be an Alpha? (DISPENSERS CLICK) - Everyone wants to be what they are. - Can we... ...get you anything? - Trying to have a conversation here, thanks. - Soma fizz? - Sure. Bring us a couple of those. - Two Soma fizzes. - You know, it seems like the Alphas have it pretty good. I mean... - Betas have it better. Every night's a party. - Yeah, but don't you get tired of that? - Anything else? - You know what I would love? Is for you to get it yourself. (DISPENSERS CLICK) - You` You want me to go... But I` I'm a Gamma. - Uh-huh. - Yeah, that's the Delta. That's` - It would make me super happy. Where I come from, everybody wants to be on top. - Where's the fun in that? Alphas sit around all day worrying about the social body. If I wasn't a Beta, I honestly don't know what I'd do. - Why do you have to be anything? - Stop. You can't. I` I mean, we... We don't talk like this. - Talk like what? - Like you're talking. (DISPENSERS CLICK) - You got a problem with the way I talk? - Well... we're not Savages. - Get up. Get up, you Beta Minus motherfucker. Stand up! (DISPENSERS CLICK) Let's go. - Where are we going? (GLASSES SMASH) - You. Clear these. - Relax. I'm just fucking with ya. - What did you do? - Me? - Is that what I think it is? - Helm, this is` - I know you. - You do? - You upstaged my feelie. And I loved it. Something unexpected at last. I've never seen anything pull focus like that. - Thanks? - I` I rescued him. - Yeah, you and I, we're going to... What's that word? The Savage one. - Fuck. - We're going to fuck. Oh, I love that. - What? Right now. Best idea I've had today. - Uh, Helm, a word? - What? - John is still adjusting and you have to understand that sex for Savages, it's... It's an exertion. Yeah, no, it takes an emotional toll. They need preparation time, recovery, it's... Well, it's a deficiency. But John, I'm sure, would like to come to your party this evening. - Yes. You will bring him. A sensation for my sensation. - Your what? - Oh, it's just a party. - You're adorable. Go away. I have to work. - Uh, John. ('FUR ELISE' BY BEETHOVEN PLAYS) - Why are you all just sitting there? - You banished us. Remember? - No. Now get to work, all of you. Except you. You get the fuck out. - Was she serious? - Everyone here just does what feels good, John. What was that commotion back there? Everyone seemed kind of out of sorts. - They just fell. It was funny. Shit just falls down sometimes. - No, it doesn't, John. This is your home now. It's really important that you learn our ways. Make connections. - I'm not like you people. - Linda wanted this place for you. She wanted you to become part of our social body. (DISPENSER CLICKS) John. You just need to embrace this place and let it be wonderful. (MAJESTIC MUSIC) - (PANTS) (SOMBRE MUSIC) (SOBS) (DISPENSER CLICKS) (GENTLE MUSIC) (DISPENSER CLICKS) (DISPENSER CLICKS) - John. John! What's that? What are you wearing? - These are clothes. - Didn't you print the outfit? It came with the invitation. This, yeah. You need to put this on. - This is more my look. Uh, Gary made it. He likes me better in this. - Who's Gary? - This is Gary. - John, Gammas don't have opinions about this sort of thing. - Sure they do. You just never think to ask. Gary, tell him what you said. - No, don't put Gary in this position. - Gary has a great eye. Tell him what you said, Gary. Go on. - John is too long-waisted for that jacket. - Gary, could you just give a moment, please? - Uh, he... - It's OK. It's OK, Gary. Just... Thanks. You need to put this on. I understand that you're intimidated and unsure, but there's a way of` - You're intimidated and unsure, and you look stupid in that thing. Mm-hm. Look, you told me to embrace it, right? - Mm-hm. - I'm embracing it. - Mm. - Let's go. You look great, come on. (ELECTRONIC MUSIC PLAYS) - I imagine you wish you'd changed your clothes now, huh? - Nope. - And if you had your optic in, you could see shooting stars. (ELECTRONIC MUSIC PULSES) (ELECTRONIC MUSIC PULSES) - Two greens, please. (ELECTRONIC MUSIC BUILDS) - There you are. Down there, it all seems random. Just a party. You have to come up here to see the design. They think I just chose their costumes, but when I did, I chose more than that. Who they'd meet. Who they'd touch. It's fun to play Indra sometimes. - What's Indra? - Indra's everything. The system, the connection. Indra made all this. Except that. I made that. If you'd have worn what I sent you'd have blended in perfectly with that pattern just there. - Well, I hope I didn't ruin it. - Oh, I like that you keep me on my toes. - So you've made 139 of these things? It must be hard to keep coming up with ideas. What's this one about? - 'Firefall'? It was about freedom from gravity. You know, the moon, space, floating. And there's fire. - Hmm. But what happens? What's... What's the story? - You're on the moon, you float, you fall into a crater and there's fire. What? Oh. And there's an orgy at the end. - That's... That's not a story. - I'd need three blues to go it alone with a Savage. - There's something unrestrained about him, don't you think? Like he could snap at any second. - Yeah, maybe he'll snap you. His name is John, and he's here as my guest not as your entertainment. - He's your Savage? - Yes. I rescued him from the Savage Lands. - Does he eat a lot? - He does, actually. He does. (ALL LAUGH) Always eating. Loves it. Can't get enough of it. In fact, for someone who eats as much as he does you'd expect him to be rather larger than he is. - And the people who had hurt the boy they suffered for how they'd treated him. But still he wasn't free, because the demon had to be paid. So she came for his mother. - What did the boy do? - Well, they ran. The demon close on their heels. They ran until they reached the very edge of the kingdom. - They escaped. Good. What? What? Speak. - They were trapped cos just beyond that frontier, there was a river of fire. That's where she caught them. She grabbed the boy, lifted him over her head... - and threw him in the fire. - (GASPS) What? No! - Yeah. - Burned? Dead? - That's what they thought. But what the demon didn't know, what none of them could know... is that the boy was born in that fire. He couldn't be hurt by it. - Not dead. - Not dead. Transformed. - He's a demon too. - That's actually really good. I didn't` (MUSIC PULSES) - What are we doing? - Why do they do it? Why don't we? - We clean up. Now. (ELECTRONIC MUSIC PLAYS) (ELECTRONIC MUSIC PLAYS) (GENTLE PIANO MUSIC) - Jealousy. Bigotry. Family. Modesty. Equality. All the destabilising ills of their kind. Some of these are even celebrated in the Savage Lands. So, I mean, as an Alpha Plus, I have to consider his... conditioning. Hi, Henry. - I came to see what all the fuss was. Imagine my surprise. It's you, Marx. - Bernard. - John. - (WHISTLES) Good party. - Uh, you should meet... - Hello, John. Nice to meet you. My name's Henry. I'm the Director of the Bureau of Stability. - OK. - Everyone wanted it. Bernard wanted it, didn't you, Bernard? And I never said anything about wanting it, but perhaps that's why I got it. Don't you think? - So he's like, your boss? - Apparently. - What a dick. (ELECTRONIC MUSIC PULSES) Where are you going? - Home. - Fuck it. - Wait, wait. What are you doing? - Do you think I'm gonna let that guy talk to my friend like that? It's humiliating. - Well, he was just stating facts. - The fact is he just squashed you like a bug in front of all those people. You're just gonna take that? - What am I supposed to do? - You're supposed to punch him in the face. - We don't do that here. - You said this place is all about doing what feels good, right? - It is. - OK. Well, I'll tell you something, Bernard. You pop that smug little twat in his grill, you're gonna feel fucking great. - Yeah? What would... What would I do? - Make a fist. - Make a what? - Make a fist. I'll show you. Do it. Thumb on the outside. OK. Yeah. Bend your knees, OK? - Well, don't I just... - No, you do not. No. Pay attention. You're gonna turn your hips and thrust off your back foot. Boom. Like that. That's where the power comes from. (EXHALES SHARPLY) - Whoa. - Yeah. - Whoa! Boo! - OK. You don't need to do the sound. Just... (BOTH EXHALE SHARPLY) - Yes. OK? - Kind of. It's close. - Wait, wait, wait. Will I be OK? - What? Might hurt your hand a little. What the fuck? - Well, how much... - Bernard. He just shat all over you. - All right. I'm sorry. I know. - Listen to me. I know guys like that. OK? If you let him treat you like you don't matter, then you just never will. - That's... Not like that. - Mm-hm. Mm-hm. (ELECTRONIC MUSIC PULSES) - Marx, what are you doing? (CROWD GASPS) (CROWD CHEERS) (ELECTRONIC MUSIC PULSES) (AMBIENT MUSIC) - That's some view. - Why'd you do that? Was it John? Did he... - No, it was me. I think. It's not quite as good as the real thing, is it? - No. - Do you... Do you want to go back and... - (SIGHS) No. (CHUCKLES) - Me neither. (AMBIENT MUSIC) - If we could just stay right here... - I know. - We can't. - I know. Maybe just a little longer. (AMBIENT MUSIC) (JINGLE BLARES) - It's ready. - What are you waiting for? Do it. Firefall. (DANCE MUSIC PULSES) - The stone that seemed inconsequential meant everything. And you missed it. - You always were a sore loser. - Sometimes there's nothing to be done. The truth is entropy. Matter changes state, systems decay, societies fall, people die. - Your move. - What do you think it means? that you can't beat me anymore? I think it means there's less of you today. Ending is better than` - (GASPS) (EERIE MUSIC) Captions by Able. Captions were made with the support of NZ On Air.
  • Television programs--United States