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Bernard copes with an unexpected tragedy, while Lenina draws ire at the Hatchery. John's exile pushes New London to the brink.

In a utopia where perfection hinges on control of monogamy and privacy, members of the collective begin to question the rules, putting their regimented society on a collision course with forbidden love and revolution.

Primary Title
  • Brave New World
Episode Title
  • Soma Red
Date Broadcast
  • Tuesday 10 May 2022
Start Time
  • 00 : 20
Finish Time
  • 01 : 15
  • 55:00
  • 8
  • TVNZ 2
  • Television New Zealand
Programme Description
  • In a utopia where perfection hinges on control of monogamy and privacy, members of the collective begin to question the rules, putting their regimented society on a collision course with forbidden love and revolution.
Episode Description
  • Bernard copes with an unexpected tragedy, while Lenina draws ire at the Hatchery. John's exile pushes New London to the brink.
  • 16
Owning Collection
  • Chapman Archive
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
  • English
Captioning Languages
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • No
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
  • Television programs--United States
  • Drama
  • Science fiction
  • Thriller
- (INDISTINCT WHISPERING) - I don't understand. - It was the Epsilons. - Epsilons? - They've been destabilised. - (INDISTINCT CONVERSATION) - Shut up. You will not repeat that. - Give us the room. - I've seen dead people before, you know. - Indeed? - Hmm. Falls from a great height, by bullets, knives... - disintegration` - Counsellor. - Hmm? - If I may. - I told him to act his level, and I, uh... I think he, um... It was my fault. - No, it's mine. I let the Savage in. - It's his fault. Is it over now, Indra's test? - No. - What does that mean? - It means we need to stop the Savage before this goes too far. There isn't much time. Director. - (INDISTINCT CHATTER) - (SOMBRE MUSIC) - (CHATTER FADES) - (MUSIC LIFTS) (UPBEAT MUSIC) - (INDISTINCT CHATTER) - (TENSE MUSIC) - You're going to feel so much better. - (OMINOUS MUSIC) - You're just sitting there as if it never happened. Everyone knows what you did. - Excuse me? - To Frannie. She just wanted to be like you. You couldn't stand it. - Check your levels, Vivian. - Because there's only one Lenina Crowne. - Summon Lenina Crowne. - She was your friend. - She's not dead. - She's being reconditioned. - I think if anyone should be reconditioned... - We're all thinking that. - Something's very wrong with her. - You're destabilising everyone. - I do that, don't I? - Lenina Crowne. - I'm solipsistic, private, sad. Worst of all, I'm different. Cos it isn't enough for me, never was. You go from soma to soma, Alpha to Alpha. - Lenina Crowne. - Your parties, your gossips, your feelies, your feeds. Anything to keep yourself from thinking` - Lenina Crowne. - Shut up. You spend the whole time watching other people's lives. You forget to live your own. - Lenina Crowne. - Fuck off! - (ALL GASP, MURMUR) - Lenina! - She wouldn't dare. - Lenina. - (ALL GASP, FEEDBACK WHINES) - (MURMURING) - (GASPS) - (ALL GASP, INDISTINCT CHATTER) - Not me. - (INDISTINCT CONVERSATION, DISPENSERS CLICK) - (SIGHS) - (UPBEAT DISCORDANT MUSIC) Captions by Able. Captions were made with the support of NZ On Air. www.able.co.nz Copyright Able - (INDISTINCT CONVERSATION) - Director. - Good morning, Director. - Oh, thank you. - Director Marx! Congratulations. - Thank you so much. Um, hold that thought, actually. - BOTH: Director Marx, hi! - Lenina! Lenina! There you are. I'm not sure if you, um... I summoned you. - I know. - What happened to your optic? - It broke. - They don't break. - They do if you step on them. - Oh, well, we'll get you another one. Sorry, could you slow down? - Not really. - No, I've been busy too. I've just been made Director. - Director? - (SIGHS) - What about Henry? - Oh, you don't... You didn't hear? Henry had an accident. - Is it serious? Is Henry all right? - Director. - It happened to me too. The feeling. It's unsettling. Unexpected. - He's gone and no one even... - You can't blame them. It's such a rare thing, an unnatural death. They don't know how to... - They've never seen it. - Precisely. Unlike us, of course. I mean... I suppose we'll always be a bit different from the others now. I've been thinking about it, the other night when we... I suppose what I was... - Um, what I'd like to say is... - Hello, Director. - Well, there's no reason why an Alpha and a Beta can't be friends. - I need to go. - Go? No, wait. Where? Wait... You're going to him, aren't you? I'm not a fool, Lenina. - Did you do it, Bernard? Did you take his memories and put them out there for everyone to see? - I was right about him. He's a killer. He can't hide. I won't let him. - You were his friend. - He's extremely dangerous, Lenina. He is worse than any of us imagined. - We all are. - If you go to him, I... - My friend was unhappy. Now he's dead. - Yeah, you think that's an accident? - This world is made for Alphas. There are no accidents. - Exactly. This place is poison. What happened to your friend happened to me, you, everyone. See that part that's missing? That's me. I don't know how to get her back. (SIGHS) - Tell us what to do. - I don't know what to do. I didn't plan this shit. I walk outside, suddenly I'm a killer and now I'm down here eating chicken pot pies. Fuck! - (BOWL SHATTERS) - You spoke. We listened. - Yeah, well, there's your problem. Don't listen to me, guys. Just fucking... - But we did. You spoke. We listened. - It doesn't matter. - It matters to us! - What do you... You don't need me to tell you how it should be. You know how it should be ` no one above, no one below. But it's... it's not like that here. It's not like that anywhere. Just give up. (SIGHS) - (DISPENSER CLICKS) - Who did that? Am I upsetting you? You don't need this. They need you to need it. Because if you stop taking it... you might find out how you feel. You might blame someone. You might blame them. And they know it. They're scared. And they should be. You want to know what to do? I'll tell you what to do. Choose. You want to be happy? Or do you want to be free? - (UPBEAT MUSIC) (MUSIC BUILDS) - (FOOTSTEPS APPROACH) - Frannie, how are you feeling today? - Wonderful. They've been so very kind here. - Ah, you've made great strides. This is very radical reconditioning. You must be proud. - I feel perfectly realigned. - Good. And would you agree, Counsellor? Would you say Frannie's ready to be restored to the social body? - (ELECTRICAL BUZZ) - Yes. - Great. Well, that's very good news, because I have a very important job. There's someone else who needs a little reconditioning. And I think you might just be the Beta for it. - Beta Plus. - Hmm, quite right. - The social body needs to be purified. Can't let things slide. - Oh, is that a new slogan? - No. - Right. Well, I'll be, um... I'll be right outside when you're... Excellent. - (TENSE MUSIC) - (ELECTRICAL BUZZ) - Thank you, Counsellor. I really do feel so much better. - John? Hello, Gary. - Lenina Crowne. - That's a lot of pies. - (CHUCKLES) Oh, yeah. - How is he? How's John? Have you... Where is he? - I can't say. I cannot betray John's trust. Ever. - That's all right, Gary. - Ever, ever. - I'm leaving. - Oh. - No, I mean I'm leaving New London. - Can you? - Went to my apartment to pack, but I couldn't find anything that... meant anything. It's probably better that he's not here. If I saw him, I... If you see John, will you tell him I... - (INDISTINCT CHATTER) - Where are you going? - Hey. Uh, I gotta get up there and find Lenina. I can talk to her. If I find her` - You're with us now. - Yeah. No, I just... Look... It's just talk, OK? I... I did that for you. You want to teach them a lesson, refuse to work, good. But that's... It's your thing, not mine. - You talked. We listened. - You want payback. I get it. I want that for you. Hell, I want it, but... not more than I want her. - If you go up there, they'll take you. Send you far away, alone. No. We'll go up for you. You're one man. I can send hundreds. No one notices an Epsilon. We'll find her for you, bring her back and you will talk to her, and then what? They still won't let you love. - It seems my attendant has taken the day off. What are you... - It's alive, isn't it? This man's face is... - ...destabilising, yes. Savages were violent, irrational. - I know, but the same people who did that made this. I'm studying them. They feel more than we can imagine. - I know you. You're the one who makes those entertainments. - I am. Was. - What is it you want? I've already seen this. I think everyone's` - Here. This is John's memory. His mother. His past. And then... - What is...? Where did you` - I found this on a deeper layer where it doesn't belong. It's not his memory. It can't be. I knew I recognised her, this young woman here. Under the tree. She's you, isn't she? Whose memory is it? Who's looking at you? Please, I have to know. I felt what it felt. - It doesn't feel. - Oh, it does. Just like that boy feels for his mother, exactly, and that's why I missed it. Two memories, but the same emotion. - You're confused. - Are you a mother? - Of course not. - This child feels that you are. - What? What did you say? - Feels... love... wonder, terror. It's afraid you'll leave. It doesn't want to be alone. - See yourself out. - What does a mother feel? (SIGHS) I want to know. Is it the same? Love and terror all at once? - (INDISTINCT CHATTER) - What's happened? - I don't understand. - Where are they? - Where are the embryos? - (INDISTINCT CHATTER) (INDISTINCT CONVERSATION) - Hello, John. - What are they talking about? - Well, they were speaking about whether John was an Epsilon or not. (CHUCKLES) Huh. - No, something's different. - I don't think so. It's the same recipe. - What's going on up there? - Um, it's a lovely day. Satisfaction levels are quite high. - I don't care about that. Are they looking for me? Did they come to the apartment? - Oh, yes. Lenina Crowne. - What about her? - Lenina came to the apartment. - How about lead with that shit next time? Did you talk to her? - Oh, yes. - And what'd she say? - Uh, she said, 'If you see John tell him I...' - That she what? What? Tell me what? - That's it. 'Tell him I...' - OK, great, thanks (!) - You're welcome, John. She's leaving New London. - (TENSE MUSIC) - Leaving? What are you talk` What` Where's she going? - I don't know. Away. - When? - She didn't say. - There is absolutely nothing to worry about. Um, you see, from time to time, um, Indra makes adjustments... to the system's parameters. - Where are you going? John! Everyone's looking. If they catch you, they'll` - They'll have bigger problems. - So while an event like, for instance, a temporary interruption in the supply of embryos might seem unprecedented, but in fact, it's actually just a necessary adjustment for the sake of stability. - (DISPENSERS CLICK) - Frannie? - (ELECTRICITY ZAPS) - (SCREAMS) - We can't know the... the mind of, um... - (DISPENSERS CLICK) - Frannie, please... - (DISPENSER CLICKS) (DISPENSERS CLICK) (DISPENSERS CLICK) - This is why we have soma. Excuse me. - I see what you're doing. - Go on. - It's me, isn't it? - You win. You are the first and last of your kind. A living network, an AI that exists in the cloud of human consciousness. Every brain connected to every other brain, and all of them connected here. - Beautiful. - The best designs are simple and elegant and... - ...perfect. - Well, I don't know about that. - What do you mean? What do you mean, 'I don't know about that'? - Nothing. I'm sure you've thought this through. - Of course I have. - It's just that, as you eliminate people their data will upload to you through their optic and so, one by one, the sum total of their knowledge, their experiences, feelings, hopes, losses, dreams, doubts, they will all become part of you. - This is how I evolve. I'm not like you. I understand your feelings. I can manufacture them, but I don't feel` - Well, it sounds like you got it all figured out. I know how meticulous you are. I mean, I've just been removing these stones at random. But that's not how you work. There's an order. First this one, then that one, then the next. - Of course. - Where am I? - You? - I'm the last one to go, aren't I? I thought so. Strange, isn't it? For someone who's not sentimental. - I know what you're trying to do. - I'm trying to help you. - You're trying to stop me, but it won't work. I've already started. - That's you. When everyone's gone. Alone. - (DISPENSER CLICKS) (DISPENSERS CLICK, INDISTINCT CHATTER) - Now, remain calm, everyone. Act your levels, please. Thank you. What do we know? - We don't. The dispensers should have filled last night. - We're receiving reports of instability throughout the city. - Well, I assure you, this will all be rectified very shortly. - But, Director, we need` - Soma's coming? - Yes, of course it is. Do you really think we haven't prepared for this precise scenario? - Why is this happening? - It's not a mystery, is it? We have a savage problem. Now, soma is coming. Go. Spread the word, and in the meantime, rely on your conditioning. - Get back! - (CROWD CLAMOURS, YELLS) - (TENSE MUSIC) - (CROWD CLAMOURS, YELLS) - (LAUGHTER, INDISTINCT CONVERSATION) - Look, how many ways can she get out of the city? - You can't leave. - She'll be going for the train. - We need you with us. - Hey! Did you take any Soma? No? None? None? Not even a little? (LAUGHS) - (ALL LAUGH) - I look over, and this motherfucker's trying to drown himself! - This motherfucker! - You like that, huh? Yeah. - What is it? - (CROWD CLAMOURS, YELLS) - (TENSE MUSIC) - We control nothing. We never did. It was always you. Only you. You kept the 10 of us alive all this time. Never really saw us as people. We were just the inner ring. The circle connecting you to all other circles, every human brain in New London. - It's not fair. I'm so many moves ahead. Must be hard knowing every idea you have, I thought of it first. It's over. You can't get to them. Where are you going? You don't want to go up there. - She's here somewhere. We'll go floor by floor. - Savage! No! - (CROWD SCREAMS) - What the fuck are you doing? Don't do this. - No one above. No one below. Everyone equal, everyone Epsilon. Just like you said. - You don't want to be killers. - You killed that Director. We saw. - No! I... I just reacted. - So are we. We clean up now. - No! Stop! Stop! - (TENSE MUSIC) - (SCREAMING, CLAMOURING) - I know you see what's happening. Frannie, please. - What is this? Act your` - (ALL GASP) (SCREAMING, CLAMOURING) - (OMINOUS MUSIC) - Hello. - You're the Director. - Yes, I am. Of Stability. (CHUCKLES) You wouldn't believe it, based on... It's not the optimal` - Sit... down. - Can I just say I understand why you're doing this. - We're not doing this. You are. You made this system for yourselves. Betas for your pleasure, Gammas for your service, Deltas for` - I didn't make the system. Indra did. - No, Indra is your excuse. To protect you from looking down. - I know what it's like to be invisible` - No, you don't... know. I know you. The soma man. - The Epsilon that fell? - My friend. - What you people did to him. - He was in pain. - No, you don't know him. - I was him. I touched him, and I don't know what happened, but a part of him was embedded in me. - You're lying. - He couldn't sleep. All that worry and nowhere to put it. Except a piece of metal that he found. He gave his pain a face. Same face as mine. Same as yours, I imagine. It's in everyone, whether they know it or not, and we bury it... with conditioning... with soma, with` - Stop! - You do what you have to do, but your fight is not with me. It's with Indra. - Stay down. - (EXHALES) - (DISTANT SCREAMING, FOOTSTEPS APPROACH) - Frannie, what are you doing? I'm your friend. (SCREAMS) Don't! Frannie! - I don't want to. - Just put the rod down! Frannie, it's all right. - They're very good, the conditioners. This isn't me. - Frannie, please. - Stay away! - Frannie. Wait! Don't. - (SOMBRE MUSIC) - Why are we like this? - We were built around a flaw. It can't be corrected and it can't be conditioned away. I need you. Come with me. - (SERENE MUSIC) (TENSE MUSIC) - (WATER DRIPS, ELECTRICAL BUZZING) - What is this place? - (DOOR OPENS) (DISTANT CLAMOURING) - She's not here. - Help me look. - This is your fault. - Fuck you. I didn't do this. You... The Epsilons did this because of how you treated them. - Oh, really? They were perfectly happy before you came here. Everyone was. - Yeah, everyone except you. I didn't change anyone. I just... You know, people want to feel things, Bernard. Good things, bad things. - Oh, yeah? Think they wanted to feel this? You put the bullets in the guns, John. You'll never be accountable for it because it all just happens to you, doesn't it? You threw your own father off a fucking cliff. Yeah, no, I know about that and everything in the Savage Lands and what you did to these Epsilons and Lenina. Nothing will ever be your fault and that's the difference between your kind and the people here. We all have a responsibility to the social body and you, all you do is destroy. You're a fucking disease. - (SOMBRE MUSIC) - Don't! - Bernard, we have to. - Just, if you don't, then she's... - Did you know her? - (SIGHS) - Oh, thank God. You're all right. - Did you... Did you do this? - What? No. How could you even think` - You're close to the Epsilons. I've seen you talk to them. - Hey, you know me. - Do I? - Yes. And I know you from the first time I saw you standing there with that bird in your hands. - You frighten me, John. (EXHALES) - I know. I'm sorry. It's this place. - Is it? - Yes. We can leave now, go anywhere, be anything. - John, I... - (SOMBRE MUSIC) - Lenina. - Everywhere you go, things fall apart. - I'm not bad. Look at me. Lenina, look at me. I love you. - (FOOTSTEPS APPROACH) - (GASPS) They won't touch us. No optic. We're invisible. - (BOTH PANT) - Stay close. - My friend. - No, not your friend. He's not real. None of this is real. - Hey! My friend! Wait. Come back! (GASPS) - This isn't where you are. - Stay with me. - What you see is an illusion. Indra needs you to believe it. - Where are you?! - I'm right here. Indra knows why we've come. Open your eyes. - (GRUNTS) (PANTS) (WHIMPERS) - (TENSE MUSIC) - (WHIMPERS) (SCREAMS) - You're free now. - Who are they? - The world was dying. At least we did something. We made Indra together. Indra made the new world, and it was... perfect. Almost perfect. These were my friends. Now they're the innermost circle of the network. The point of connection to Indra herself. If we deactivate it here, it ends everywhere. - (CLAMOURING, SCREAMING) - I need your help now. Quickly. - (CLAMOURING, SCREAMING) (GARBLED CHATTER) - Where am I? - Nowhere. With me. But there are other worlds. Other places. - Why am I here? - I found the state at which your kind would be stable. A way to make you happy. Forever. - This is why I need you. - (COUGHS) - Please. - I'm changing. I'm more like you than I thought. But I have learned that I don't like to be alone. I'm alone. In a moment, they will all be gone. - Abandoned. That's the worst. - Are you my maker? - I had 10 perfect vessels. They would have taken me anywhere I wanted to go. Now I have you. - (TENSE MUSIC) (DRAMATIC MUSIC) - (WAVES CRASH, GULLS CRY) - Bernie! Bernard! I knew I'd find you here. I had a vision like a... a feelie in my head. I saw people... surrounding a man. A leader. It was you, Bernie. - Where? - The place they feel everything. What's in the box? - Are you coming, then? - (SOMBRE MUSIC) - Why me? - You're different, aren't you? I've been watching you. This isn't over. She's out there somewhere, Indra, feeling for the first time ` like a child. Lost. Angry. And hurt children, you see, they often do bad things. This world is old. It only knows one story ` crisis. We play this same moment over and over, but we never... (SIGHS) You'll have no one to guide you. No protection. It's your choice. - (BIRDSONG) - Where is everyone? There's nothing here. - (VEHICLE APPROACHES) - Bernie. - You told me that you were free people here. - I told you not to come back. Get in. - (ENGINE STARTS) - (OMINOUS MUSIC) - # A kiss could kill me # if it were not for the rain. ON SPEAKERS: # A kiss could have killed me, # baby, if # it were not for the rain, # and I # had # a feeling it was coming on. # And I... - (GENTLE MUSIC) - # Oh, darling, let me dream. - # Let me dream. - # Cos somewhere in me. - # Inside of me. - # I have been waiting. - # Waiting. - # So patiently. # For you. # You, you. # So don't you # break. # Don't break my dream. # Yeah. # Don't break my dream. Captions by Able. Captions were made with the support of NZ On Air. www.able.co.nz Copyright Able - # Let the rain exalt us, # as the night draws in. # Winds howl around us # as we begin. # What a way to start a fire. # Broken
  • Television programs--United States