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Desperate to save her worst best friend, Jamie and the team seek help from a group of survivors who don't want to be found. Jackson reveals valuable intel that could help - but can he be trusted?

Eight years after a plague killed all men, three women who run a dairy farm accidentally run over the last surviving male human on the planet in this darkly funny, dystopian series.

Primary Title
  • Creamerie
Date Broadcast
  • Friday 14 July 2023
Start Time
  • 22 : 30
Finish Time
  • 23 : 10
  • 40:00
  • 2
  • 2
  • TVNZ 2
  • Television New Zealand
Programme Description
  • Eight years after a plague killed all men, three women who run a dairy farm accidentally run over the last surviving male human on the planet in this darkly funny, dystopian series.
Episode Description
  • Desperate to save her worst best friend, Jamie and the team seek help from a group of survivors who don't want to be found. Jackson reveals valuable intel that could help - but can he be trusted?
  • 16
Owning Collection
  • Chapman Archive
Broadcast Platform
  • Television
  • English
Captioning Languages
  • English
Live Broadcast
  • No
Rights Statement
  • Made for the University of Auckland's educational use as permitted by the Screenrights Licensing Agreement.
  • Apocalyptic television programs
  • Sex role on television
  • Television programs--New Zealand
  • Comedy-drama
  • Science fiction
  • Roseanne Liang (Director)
  • Roseanne Liang (Writer)
  • Dan Musgrove (Writer)
  • Bronwynn Bakker (Producer)
  • Ally Xue (Actor)
  • JJ Fong (Actor)
  • Perlina Lau (Actor)
  • Jay Ryan (Actor)
  • Flat 3 Productions (Production Unit)
  • Kevin & Co (Production Unit)
  • Tony Ayres Productions (Production Unit)
  • NZ On Air (Funder)
<font color="#00ff00">- DANIEL: The guy's a crack up.</font> <font color="#00ff00">(CHUCKLES)</font> <font color="#00ff00">Oh, so Steve-</font> <font color="#00ff00">Oh, you're gonna meet Steve.</font> <font color="#00ff00">Steve's thing is he waits</font> <font color="#00ff00">till you're asleep, and then</font> <font color="#00ff00">he Dutch ovens ya! Bleurgh!</font> - BOBBY: Sounds like the army. Is that why you left? <font color="#00ff00">- Oh, dude, the bullying was</font> <font color="#00ff00">definitely, like a part of it,</font> <font color="#00ff00">but I would swap my left ball and</font> <font color="#00ff00">Dutch ovens for no chair any day</font> <font color="#00ff00">of the week. You feel me?</font> - I do. (INTRIGUING MUSIC) (BIRDS TWITTER) <font color="#00ff00">- Mm.</font> <font color="#00ff00">Where is everyone, Yvonne?</font> <font color="#00ffff">- Are we not 'ones', Daniel?</font> <font color="#00ffff">What's your name?</font> - Bobby. Uh... Robert. <font color="#00ffff">- Nice to meet, Bobby Robert.</font> <font color="#ffff00">- I'm Alex.</font> <font color="#ffff00">This is my shitty brother, Jackson.</font> <font color="#ffff00">Don't feel sorry for him.</font> <font color="#ffff00">Long story.</font> <font color="#ffff00">You're the resistance that</font> <font color="#ffff00">Ma was running around with.</font> <font color="#ffff00">Her name was Tilda.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- Tilda is, and always will be,</font> <font color="#00ffff">one of us.</font> <font color="#00ff00">- I'm sorry, but is this all of you?</font> - Isn't this the safe place for men? Where are the men? <font color="#00ffff">- (SIGHS) The men.</font> <font color="#00ffff">Go get 'em.</font> <font color="#00ffff">(SIGHS) Let's have</font> <font color="#00ffff">a look at Tilda's son.</font> - Oh, be careful. He's a lying, manipulative piece of shit. <font color="#00ff00">- I don't mean to be rude,</font> <font color="#00ff00">but we don't have a lot of time.</font> <font color="#00ff00">About a half-day's drive that</font> <font color="#00ff00">way, Lane has a facility where</font> <font color="#00ff00">she's keeping-</font> <font color="#00ffff">- What a momentous day.</font> <font color="#00ffff">All those in favour of spree,</font> <font color="#00ffff">say 'aye'.</font> - SISTERS: Aye. <font color="#00ffff">- The ayes have it.</font> <font color="#00ffff">I call spree.</font> (SISTERS WHOOP) <font color="#00ff00">- Wait. What's spree?</font> <font color="#ffff00">- SISTER: Here he is.</font> <font color="#00ff00">- DANIEL: Shaun.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- Daniel.</font> <font color="#00ffff">Hello. I'm Shaun.</font> <font color="#00ffff">I've just been making a toothbrush.</font> - What do they mean 'here he is'? (UNEASY MUSIC BUILDS) <font color="#0000ff">Captions by Julie Taylor.</font> <font color="#0000ff">Captions were made with</font> <font color="#0000ff">the support of NZ On Air.</font> <font color="#0000ff">www.able.co.nz</font> <font color="#0000ff">Copyright Able 2023</font> <font color="#ffff00">- Where did you even get this thing?</font> <font color="#ffff00">Dr Garvey, you're my</font> <font color="#ffff00">general practitioner.</font> <font color="#ffff00">The last time I saw you,</font> <font color="#ffff00">you prescribed me antifungal cream.</font> <font color="#ffff00">You care about my well-being.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- You're mistaking my</font> <font color="#00ffff">professionalism for sentimentality.</font> <font color="#00ffff">Now,</font> <font color="#00ffff">on three,</font> <font color="#00ffff">two, one.</font> (CLICK! ELECTRICITY CRACKLES) <font color="#00ffff">- On a scale from one to 10,</font> <font color="#00ffff">how painful was that?</font> <font color="#ffff00">- You're a sadist.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- Oh, I don't take pleasure in your</font> <font color="#00ffff">pain, but I do appreciate precision,</font> <font color="#00ffff">so on a scale from one to 10,</font> <font color="#00ffff">how painful was that?</font> <font color="#ffff00">- 0.5.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- 0.5.</font> - Why don't we just turn Fitsy on and see what happens? <font color="#00ffff">- Because one does not</font> <font color="#00ffff">turn on the Trunchbull...</font> (CLICK!) <font color="#00ffff">...until it is calibrated.</font> - We should call it Fitsy, cos she'll have you in fits. <font color="#00ffff">- And that's how you know</font> <font color="#00ffff">taste can't be taught.</font> - Sorry, what was that? <font color="#00ffff">- I said that's how you know</font> <font color="#00ffff">taste can't be taught.'</font> <font color="#00ffff">Oh, Laney. I'm only joking.</font> <font color="#00ffff">And, anyway,</font> <font color="#00ffff">the Trunchbull is ready for use.</font> - Hmm. One last time, Toodily-Pip - where have you taken Bobby and Daniel? <font color="#ffff00">- I know transcendental meditation.</font> <font color="#ffff00">I can TM away from the pain.</font> <font color="#ffff00">In fact,</font> <font color="#ffff00">I'm going to do it right now.</font> <font color="#ffff00">Pebble in the ocean.</font> (CLINKING) - Stop that... and answer me. Where is-? <font color="#ffff00">- Pebble in the ocean.</font> (CLINKING) - No, you don't. <font color="#ffff00">- Pebble in the ocean.</font> <font color="#ffff00">Pebble in the ocean.</font> - Stop that. (CLINKING) <font color="#ffff00">- Pebble in the ocean.</font> (ELECTRICITY CRACKLES) <font color="#ffff00">(GROANS)</font> (ELECTRICITY STOPS) <font color="#ffff00">(GRUNTS, PANTS)</font> <font color="#00ffff">Philippa?</font> <font color="#00ffff">On a scale from one to 10,</font> <font color="#00ffff">how painful was that?</font> <font color="#00ffff">Scale from one to 10.</font> <font color="#00ffff">Of course, we could do it again.</font> <font color="#ffff00">- 50.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- (CHUCKLES) The maximum is 10.</font> <font color="#00ffff">So 10?</font> <font color="#ffff00">- (PANTS)</font> <font color="#ffff00">WHISPERS: 10. 10.</font> - Now will you tell me where my Bobby is? <font color="#ffff00">- (PANTS) Yes. Right away.</font> (BIRDS TWITTER, FIRE CRACKLES) - You said there were eight. Where are they? <font color="#00ff00">- Yeah, that was,</font> <font color="#00ff00">like, four years ago.</font> - You know that guy? (SHAUN SLURPS) <font color="#00ffff">- That's enough, man. Fuck.</font> <font color="#00ff00">- Shaun? Yeah.</font> - What's his deal? <font color="#00ff00">- Nobody really knows. He's</font> <font color="#00ff00">just always kinda been like that.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- Hey, no talk, please,</font> <font color="#00ffff">while we spree.</font> (JAMIE RETCHES) - Are you OK? <font color="#ffff00">- I'll be better when</font> <font color="#ffff00">we get our hands on their guns.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- We can all talk</font> <font color="#00ffff">when we've all drunk.</font> <font color="#00ff00">- (SLURPS)</font> <font color="#00ff00">It's actually pretty yum.</font> (SLURPING) (ALEX BURPS) <font color="#ffff00">- What?</font> - OK, we've all had a drink. Now you wanna tell us what happened to everyone? The men that were here? <font color="#00ffff">- They left.</font> <font color="#ffff00">- That's it?</font> <font color="#ffff00">They left?</font> - All but one? Why? <font color="#00ff00">- Cos they had their own minds,</font> <font color="#00ff00">and they made their own choices.</font> <font color="#ffff00">- How are you the resistance? You</font> <font color="#ffff00">sound like a wellness yoga retreat.</font> - Tell us what you did to them. <font color="#00ff00">- What we did... is create a safe</font> <font color="#00ff00">place for them to exist, and then</font> <font color="#00ff00">they chose to leave.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- Look, you're still the Sisterhood.</font> <font color="#00ffff">OK? You can still save men.</font> <font color="#00ffff">There are six more men at Lane's</font> <font color="#00ffff">facility, and we know where they</font> <font color="#00ffff">are.</font> <font color="#00ffff">You just bring your tranquillisers,</font> <font color="#00ffff">and we just rush-</font> <font color="#ffff00">- We don't use tranquillisers</font> <font color="#ffff00">any more.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- What? Why?</font> - We voted against it. <font color="#00ffff">- You voted against using awesome</font> <font color="#00ffff">non-lethal weapons that give you</font> <font color="#00ffff">an incredible advantage?</font> <font color="#00ffff">Wh-What is wrong with you?</font> <font color="#00ffff">OK, look, it doesn't matter</font> <font color="#00ffff">about the guns.</font> <font color="#00ffff">If Hunter was anything to go by,</font> <font color="#00ffff">you guys could just bust in there</font> <font color="#00ffff">with your bare hands.</font> <font color="#ffff00">- I know a secret tunnel.</font> - BOBBY: 'Course you do. <font color="#00ffff">- Isn't it your sworn oath</font> <font color="#00ffff">to protect men?</font> <font color="#00ff00">- How do we protect</font> <font color="#00ff00">the wind from blowing?</font> <font color="#00ffff">- What do you mean?</font> - How do we save the leaves from falling? <font color="#00ffff">- I-I don't understand the words</font> <font color="#00ffff">coming out of your mouths.</font> <font color="#ffff00">- You're not the resistance.</font> <font color="#ffff00">You're a bunch of pussies.</font> <font color="#00ff00">- Miaow.</font> (SISTERS MIAOW, HISS) <font color="#00ff00">(LAUGHS)</font> <font color="#00ffff">- Oh God.</font> <font color="#00ffff">We were wrong to come here.</font> <font color="#00ffff">We wasted all this time we didn't</font> <font color="#00ffff">have, and now she's fucked.</font> <font color="#00ffff">Wrong choice, guys. Wrong fucking</font> <font color="#00ffff">path. And now they're gonna perm</font> <font color="#00ffff">Pip.</font> <font color="#00ffff">I'm gonna lose my shittiest best</font> <font color="#00ffff">friend forever. I have to go back.</font> <font color="#00ffff">I have to go back.</font> <font color="#00ffff">DISTORTED: 'I have to go back.</font> <font color="#00ffff">'I have to go back.</font> <font color="#00ffff">'Go back.'</font> <font color="#00ffff">Oh my gosh. Jackson.</font> <font color="#00ffff">He's burning up.</font> - Pip, just to confirm that you are taking us to reconnoitre the location where you friends have kidnapped and are holding Robert in an incredibly selfish and truly disappointing act of unwellness. <font color="#ffff00">- Yes.</font> - And now, how far away is this said location? <font color="#ffff00">- Three to...</font> <font color="#ffff00">six hours that way.</font> <font color="#ffff00">Eight with comfort stops and snacks.</font> - Hmm. And why is it that you can't point out said location on a map? <font color="#ffff00">- If you were to engage in</font> <font color="#ffff00">unwell acts</font> <font color="#ffff00">and hide in said location,</font> <font color="#ffff00">would you make said location</font> <font color="#ffff00">point-out-able on a map?</font> - OK. Who needs to go to the toilet? <font color="#00ffff">- Oh, sure, OK.</font> <font color="#00ffff">OK.</font> <font color="#00ff00">- (GRUNTS, SHOUTS)</font> <font color="#00ffff">- (GRUNTS)</font> <font color="#00ff00">- Give me my bag.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- What? I...</font> <font color="#00ff00">- Give me my fucking bag!</font> <font color="#00ffff">- No! (GRUNTS)</font> <font color="#00ff00">- (SHOUTS)</font> (PIANO MUSIC) - # I bury my fears # for safekeeping. # White picket fences # need little pretences. # I bury my fears # beneath a lemon tree. # I'm walking, but I know... # <font color="#00ffff">- Hey.</font> <font color="#00ffff">Do you want a toothbrush?</font> - Uh... No, thanks. <font color="#00ffff">- Don't you have hard-to-reach</font> <font color="#00ffff">places?</font> - Yeah, I do. Thanks. <font color="#00ffff">- Do you wanna go make</font> <font color="#00ffff">some walkie-talkies?</font> <font color="#00ffff">Cool.</font> <font color="#ffff00">- Hello?</font> <font color="#ffff00">(GASPS SOFTLY)</font> <font color="#ffff00">Ma.</font> (EERIE INDISTINCT MURMURING) <font color="#00ff00">- Roger that. Thanks.</font> <font color="#ffff00">- Ma?</font> <font color="#ffff00">(GASPS SOFTLY)</font> (LOW, INTRIGUING MUSIC) <font color="#00ffff">- (IMITATES STATIC)</font> <font color="#00ffff">Does anyone read me? Copy.</font> <font color="#00ffff">(IMITATES STATIC)</font> <font color="#00ffff">This is Sierra Hotel November.</font> <font color="#00ffff">Anyone out there? Please copy.</font> - (IMITATES STATIC) Uh... This is Bravo Bravo Yankee. Reading you loud and clear. I see you're not really into the whole spree situation. Uh... Sierra Hotel November. (IMITATES STATIC) Over. <font color="#00ffff">- Uh...</font> <font color="#00ffff">(IMITATES STATIC, CLEARS THROAT)</font> <font color="#00ffff">Uh, not as such, Bravo Bravo Yankee.</font> <font color="#00ffff">Um... Had a bit too much of</font> <font color="#00ffff">the old happy juice a while back</font> <font color="#00ffff">and developed a bit</font> <font color="#00ffff">of a resistance to it.</font> - Oh. <font color="#00ffff">- And, anyway, we unanimously</font> <font color="#00ffff">agreed to try a moratorium on</font> <font color="#00ffff">mixed-sex intercourse.</font> <font color="#00ffff">I mean, it was</font> <font color="#00ffff">always recreational, non-pairing,</font> <font color="#00ffff">non-procreative intercourse anyway,</font> <font color="#00ffff">for obvious reasons, but,</font> <font color="#00ffff">uh, um, yeah, ever since the...</font> <font color="#00ffff">the thing that happened,</font> <font color="#00ffff">um, we mutually agreed that</font> <font color="#00ffff">scarcity would breed instability.</font> <font color="#00ffff">And I don't wanna be</font> <font color="#00ffff">a vending machine anyway.</font> <font color="#00ffff">Over.</font> - Uh... You wanna tell me more about the... thing... that happened? Shaun? Do you mean the other men that left? Why didn't you just leave with them? Oh, yeah, I found this... in my pocket. Whose jacket was this? Shaun, what did this guy leave? Look, I mean, he even circled some activities - the same ones that I would've. Coulda actually... known this guy. You know? I... I coulda actually been friends with this guy. Shaun. Please. <font color="#00ffff">- You should know</font> <font color="#00ffff">that they didn't leave.</font> <font color="#00ffff">Well, they left, but...</font> <font color="#00ffff">not like that.</font> - What do you mean? <font color="#00ffff">- Uh...</font> <font color="#00ffff">They're dead, Bobby.</font> <font color="#00ffff">They died.</font> <font color="#00ffff">(SNIFFLES)</font> <font color="#00ffff">It was an accident.</font> <font color="#00ffff">(SIGHS)</font> - What? How? <font color="#00ffff">- (SIGHS)</font> <font color="#00ffff">You're not gonna like this.</font> - How could I like it, Shaun? Please just... tell me. <font color="#00ffff">- They took the tranquilliser rifles</font> <font color="#00ffff">to play IRL Call of Duty,</font> <font color="#00ffff">and they shot each other</font> <font color="#00ffff">and drowned in the river.</font> - Uh... Say that again. <font color="#00ffff">- After years of frolicking</font> <font color="#00ffff">peacefully in the bush, they</font> <font color="#00ffff">wanted to play war games. (SOBS)</font> <font color="#00ffff">I know. I know. Right? The only</font> <font color="#00ffff">reason why I wasn't with them is</font> <font color="#00ffff">because I wanted to win.</font> <font color="#00ffff">I was in here, working</font> <font color="#00ffff">on a reloading magazine for the</font> <font color="#00ffff">tranquilliser rifle. (SNIFFLES)</font> <font color="#00ffff">I wish to God I'd given up</font> <font color="#00ffff">on working on that magazine</font> <font color="#00ffff">and just followed them into</font> <font color="#00ffff">the river that night. (SOBS)</font> <font color="#00ffff">(SOBS)</font> - Cheer up, mate. It's OK. Hey, at least you're good at... making things. Yeah? I mean, your walkie-talkies even have little buttons on them. <font color="#00ffff">- I don't care about</font> <font color="#00ffff">the fucking buttons, man!</font> <font color="#00ffff">I'm an advertising executive,</font> <font color="#00ffff">for fuck's sake.</font> <font color="#00ffff">The girls tell me now useful</font> <font color="#00ffff">I am, but I don't wanna make</font> <font color="#00ffff">furniture out of trees.</font> <font color="#00ffff">I don't wanna be some charity case</font> <font color="#00ffff">or some fucking- precious fucking</font> <font color="#00ffff">dodo, man.</font> <font color="#00ffff">I don't want this stupid fucking</font> <font color="#00ffff">fleshy thing dangling there</font> <font color="#00ffff">if it's just gonna...</font> <font color="#00ffff">if it means I have to hide...</font> <font color="#00ffff">I have to hide...</font> <font color="#00ffff">for the rest of my life.</font> <font color="#00ffff">(SOBS)</font> - It's OK. <font color="#00ffff">- I don't want this</font> <font color="#00ffff">to be my safe place.</font> <font color="#00ffff">I want every place</font> <font color="#00ffff">to be my safe place.</font> - I know. <font color="#ffff00">- (PANTS)</font> <font color="#ffff00">Show me your teeth.</font> - Fuck off, Alex. <font color="#ffff00">- Nah, fuck off yourself and</font> <font color="#ffff00">show me your hard-to-reach teeth.</font> - Why? <font color="#ffff00">- Cos Ma showed me</font> <font color="#ffff00">the key to the cure.</font> - MICHELLE: A very goddess evening to you. Reporting in at 1800 hours, our anticipated arrival time will be three hours. <font color="#ffff00">- To six... and a half,</font> <font color="#ffff00">with- with comfort stops.</font> - Uh, sorry, it'll be three to six and a half hours with comfort stops. <font color="#00ffff">- LANE ON WALKIE-TALKIE:</font> <font color="#00ffff">No stops, and don't disturb me</font> <font color="#00ffff">again until you're there. Out.</font> - OK. Have a lovely evening. That's over and out. Roger. Roger over. (CHUCKLES) <font color="#ffff00">- Are you aware of</font> <font color="#ffff00">everything Lane does?</font> - Uh... (CHUCKLES) I'm more aware of what Lane does than Lane herself. <font color="#ffff00">- No, you're not.</font> - Excuse you? <font color="#ffff00">- You're not like her.</font> - (SCOFFS) <font color="#ffff00">- You didn't want what</font> <font color="#ffff00">happened with Bobby that night.</font> <font color="#00ff00">- Hold him!</font> <font color="#00ffff">- BOBBY, MUFFLED: Help me!</font> - I don't know what night you're talking about. I was drunk, and I don't remember. (CHUCKLES) <font color="#ffff00">- Michelle, she's doing what we all</font> <font color="#ffff00">saw her do with Bobby only 100 times</font> <font color="#ffff00">worse.</font> <font color="#ffff00">I saw it with my own eyes.</font> - Oh, Pip. It's OK. Lane warned me that you were prone to psychosis, so I have some ginkgo biloba extract in my bag here for you. Oh my Goddess. Where is it? (LAUGHS) You know, I'd lose my head if it wasn't screwed on. <font color="#ffff00">- Take the- Turn around.</font> <font color="#ffff00">Turn around now.</font> - Uh... <font color="#ffff00">- There's something you need to see.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- So, she got you</font> <font color="#00ffff">hooked on some shit.</font> <font color="#00ff00">- Where are they?</font> <font color="#00ffff">- Worm food.</font> <font color="#00ff00">- (GROANS, GRUNTS)</font> <font color="#00ffff">- Is that how she got you</font> <font color="#00ffff">to do all the shit you did?</font> <font color="#00ff00">- (GRUNTS)</font> <font color="#00ffff">- Go on. Tell me how she got you</font> <font color="#00ffff">addicted and how none of this is</font> <font color="#00ffff">your fault.</font> <font color="#00ffff">(RETCHES)</font> <font color="#00ff00">- You're pregnant.</font> (LIQUID POURS) <font color="#00ff00">I remember the second you</font> <font color="#00ff00">were pregnant with Oscar.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- Don't say his name.</font> <font color="#00ffff">Don't you fucking try your</font> <font color="#00ffff">memory lane bullshit with me.</font> (STRETCHER CREAKS) <font color="#00ff00">- This was us.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- I said fucking don't.</font> <font color="#00ff00">- This was you... and me.</font> <font color="#00ff00">We were whole,</font> <font color="#00ff00">complete.</font> <font color="#00ff00">Then Oscar came along.</font> <font color="#00ff00">Peace.</font> <font color="#00ff00">For one whole</font> <font color="#00ff00">incredible year, there was...</font> <font color="#00ff00">(SOBS SOFTLY) there was peace.</font> <font color="#00ff00">(SNIFFLES)</font> <font color="#00ff00">Then when he left,</font> <font color="#00ff00">we weren't complete any more.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- Fuck you.</font> <font color="#00ffff">Fuck you. Fuck off.</font> <font color="#00ff00">- I lost him too, Jamie.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- Oh! And I'm supposed to say,</font> <font color="#00ffff">'Yeah that explains it.'</font> <font color="#00ff00">- No, that's not what I'm saying.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- I stayed on your farm.</font> <font color="#00ffff">I thought you were gone.</font> <font color="#00ffff">You chose to get high.</font> <font color="#00ffff">You tracked men, and you-</font> <font color="#00ffff">you fucked her for your next fix.</font> <font color="#00ffff">We were nothing to you.</font> <font color="#00ff00">- You're wrong.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- I'm wrong?</font> <font color="#00ffff">I'm the... Oh my God.</font> <font color="#00ffff">I'm the one that's wrong?</font> <font color="#00ff00">- I know it's hard to understand-</font> <font color="#00ffff">- No, no, no, it's simple.</font> <font color="#00ff00">- Like grief never changed you?</font> <font color="#00ffff">- Oh, yes, please tell me how our</font> <font color="#00ffff">child dying justifies you being a</font> <font color="#00ffff">sadistic junkie!</font> <font color="#00ff00">- Like you didn't jump on</font> <font color="#00ff00">the first thing that came</font> <font color="#00ff00">along to replace Oscar!</font> <font color="#00ffff">- (GRUNTS LOUDLY)</font> <font color="#00ffff">(SHOUTS)</font> <font color="#00ffff">Here - you can fucking talk.</font> <font color="#00ffff">Oh, what a fucking shitshow.</font> <font color="#00ffff">Oh God.</font> <font color="#00ffff">No guns, no muscle. Nothing.</font> <font color="#00ffff">I can't leave her there.</font> <font color="#00ffff">I have to go back. (SOBS)</font> <font color="#00ff00">- I know a secret tunnel</font> <font color="#00ff00">to the facility.</font> <font color="#00ff00">You could bypass Lane's guards.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- Give me one reason</font> <font color="#00ffff">why I should trust you.</font> <font color="#00ff00">- Because I'm the only lead</font> <font color="#00ff00">you have.</font> <font color="#00ff00">And if I fuck you over,</font> <font color="#00ff00">you have a sharp knife.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- Ahhhh.</font> <font color="#ffff00">- Bingo. Second molar.</font> <font color="#ffff00">RBT -</font> <font color="#ffff00">retain baby teeth.</font> <font color="#ffff00">You have it; you have it; Jackson</font> <font color="#ffff00">has it. That's... four of you.</font> <font color="#ffff00">This could be it. This could be</font> <font color="#ffff00">the genetic marker of immunity.</font> <font color="#00ffff">- We're going</font> <font color="#00ffff">back to Lane's facility. We're</font> <font color="#00ffff">taking Jackson's secret way in.</font> - And when he fucks us, what then? <font color="#00ffff">- Stay here if you want.</font> <font color="#00ffff">But I'm going back for my friend.</font> - Hey, Shaun. <font color="#00ff00">- SHAUN: Yeah.</font> - You ever get that rifle magazine working? <font color="#00ff00">- Did I ever.</font> (LOW, INTRIGUING MUSIC) (MUSIC BUILDS) <font color="#00ffff">- I love you.</font> (INTRIGUING MUSIC SWELLS) (MUSIC CONTINUES) (PANTING) (MUSIC INTENSIFIES) <font color="#0000ff">Captions by Julie Taylor.</font> <font color="#0000ff">Captions were made with</font> <font color="#0000ff">the support of NZ On Air.</font>
  • Apocalyptic television programs
  • Sex role on television
  • Television programs--New Zealand