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Episodes and Stories 21
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    Pill Poppers (2010)

    Over a person's lifetime they are likely to be prescribed more than 14,000 pills. Antibiotics, cholesterol lowering tablets, anti-depressants and painkillers.
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    What's The Right Diet For You? - A Horizon Special

    Episode 3
    So far, the volunteers have successfully been losing weight, but now the honeymoon period is over. It is the final two months of the diet, and their minds and bodies are fighting back. Dr Chris van Tulleken and Professor Tanya Byron find out if the new personalised diets will help them stay on course, and the experts reveal the scientific secrets to permanent dieting success.
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    What's The Right Diet For You? - A Horizon Special

    Episode 2
    It is time to see if personalised dieting will work in normal life. The volunteers have been given one of three diets to follow - based on their genes, their hormones and their psychology. But now they are back at home, trying to stick to their personalised diets with all the stresses and temptations of real life. Dr Chris van Tulleken and Professor Tanya Byron discover how our genetic makeup can make temptation difficult to resist, how understanding the brain reveals what makes us comfort eat and what science can tell us about why we make disastrous food choices.
  • 0:55:00

    What's The Right Diet For You? - A Horizon Special

    Episode 1
    The volunteers are put through a series of tests at a residential clinic to understand how their genes, hormones and psychology influence their eating behaviour. They are then put on the diets the experts believe are best suited to them. Can science succeed where other diets have failed?
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    Climate Change: A Horizon Guide - Horizon (2015)

    Dr Helen Czerski delves into the Horizon archive to chart the transformation of a little-known theory into one of the greatest scientific undertakings in history.
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    Is Nuclear Power Safe? (2011)

    When the Fukushima Daichi nuclear plant went into meltdown following an earthquake the world started to question the safety of nuclear power. Is it justified.
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    Horizon - Out of Control?

    Season 2011-2012 , Episode 10
    We all like to think we are in control of our lives - of what we feel and what we think. But scientists are now discovering this is often simply an illusion. Surprising experiments are revealing that what you think you do and what you actually do can be very different. Your unconscious mind is often calling the shots, influencing the decisions you make, from what you eat to who you fall in love with. If you think you are really in control of your life, you may have to think again.
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    Horizon - The Hunt for A.I.

    Season 2012 , Episode 15
    Horizon is an ongoing and long-running British documentary television series on BBC that covers science and philosophy.
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    Horizon - The Truth About Fat (2012)

    Season 2012 , Episode 11
    Surgeon Gabriel Weston discovers the surprising truth about fat and why so many people are pilling on the pounds, and how to fight the fat epidemic.
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    Horizon - Eat, Fast, and Live Longer

    Season 2013 , Episode 3
    Horizon is an ongoing and long-running British documentary television series on BBC that covers science and philosophy.
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    Horizon - Living With ADHD

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder kids are often bright and able, but for some reason unable to concentrate. The repercussions, for all involved, can be devastating. The current, controversial treatment, Ritalin, is a powerful amphetamine. This sensitive, uplifting documentary shows what it is really like to live with ADHD, and investigates the new science that is giving hope to its victims. To some doctors, ADHD is merely an excuse for bad parenting. They blame too much television, poor diet and parents who just don't bother. Try telling that to the Fischer family. Two of the children have ADHD, as does Charlotte, their Mum. Charlotte's life was blighted by years of people refusing to believe anything was wrong with her. It led to failure at school and drug abuse. But now she is determined to make sure that what happened to her won't happen to her kids. Follow the Fischer family as they cope with these pressures, and are helped to make sense of the condition by a team of paediatricians and child psychologists. This film shows that ADHD need not be a disaster for its victims. One of the key revelations is that strong, early intervention can transform these children. And what effect does the powerful drug, Ritalin, have on the children? A powerful amphetamine, it would make most people manic, but actually calms ADHD kids down. Ritalin is highly controversial, with allegations that some doctors subscribe it to children whom many would regard as simply annoying. But parents of true ADHD kids say it gives them a crucial window of opportunity in which a child can learn how to behave, build relationships and lay the foundations of a normal life. Other available drug treatments are also explored. The cameras also follow another family going through the traumatic, shocking process of diagnosis and captures the gradual transformation of their lives as science, in the form of new treatments, comes to their aid. Full of love, tears and laughter, this is ultimately an uplifting tale of real people triumphing over tough situations. The fact is that the Fischers are a happy family. They may be different but, in their words, "That's your problem, not ours".
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    Horizon (HD) Is Binge Drinking Really That Bad?

    Season 2014-15 , Episode 12
    How bad can our drinking pattern be for our health? Doctors and genetically identical twins Chris and Xand van Tulleken want to find out. With the current drinking guidelines under review, the twins embark on self-experimentation to see the effects of different drinking patterns on their health. With Chris drinking 21 units spread evenly across the week and Xand having his 21 in single weekly binges, how will their bodies differ after a month? Catching up with the latest research into alcohol drinking patterns, we ask if moderate drinking is genuinely good for us - and whether binge drinking is really that bad.
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    Horizon Television is Dead: Long Live Television

    When inventor John Logie Baird's pioneering work came to fruition in November 1936, today's multi-channel satellite era was light years away. This Horizon programme asks whether the latest "improvements" have driven television into a cul-de-sac, and if there are any modern-day innovators to guide the medium into the 21st century.
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    Horizon - Suggars, Fraggers and Data Muggers

    Documentary science series. Suggers, Fruggers and Data-Muggers. Commercial decisions depend increasingly on market research, opinion polls, TV ratings and consumer surveys, but just how good is that information? Survey research applies the rigorous science of mathematics to the murky pool of human behaviour, but some surveys have got it disastrously wrong.
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    Horizon - 7/7 Bombers

    A psychological investigation of the mind of suicide bombers, and of normal people in general. The latest psychological research on international terror cells is used in this investigation into the London bombings of 7 July, revealing how it was possible for Britain to produce home-grown killers and how to spot potentially dangerous groups before it is too late.
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    Horizon Neanderthal: The Rebirth

    Season 2005
    This edition of Horizon does something that no one has done before. We have assembled the first ever complete Neanderthal skeleton, from parts gathered from all over the world, to reveal the most anatomically accurate representation of modern humanity's closest relative. The aim is to use this skeleton to answer two of the great questions of human evolution. Was Neanderthal a thinking, feeling human being like us, or a primitive beast? And why is it that we are here today, and Neanderthal is extinct? To answer these questions, we've brought together a team of leading experts to explore the skeleton for clues, and perform experiments to test out their ideas. Their findings allow us to use drama to bring Neanderthal to life with unrivalled accuracy. They reveal how Neanderthal hunted, thought - even spoke. What emerges is a very different beast to the brute of legend. It seems Neanderthal was in many ways our equal and in some ways our superior. And the story of his extinction owed less to modern humans' superiority than sheer luck.
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    Horizon The Day We Learned to Think

    Season 2003
    A small piece of stone, unearthed in an African cave, may rewrite human history. If the message it contains is true, then one of the great sagas of human evolution - how our ancestors stopped being mere animals and became modern thinking human beings has all been based on a mistake.The history books say that some 37,000 years ago, our ancestors arrived in Europe for the first time. Suddenly, cave paintings appeared - clear evidence of sophisticated thought. It seemed there had been "Human Revolution".That revolution was so profound that it allowed us to triumph over even our nearest relatives, the Neanderthals. They were wiped out within years of our arrival in Europe. It seemed the sudden dawning of thought has led to us dominating the planet like no other creature. But now a small piece of ochre in a South African cave has changed everything. It appears to be a work of abstract art, an example of advanced thought - and yet it is twice as old as the human revolution. Evidence has also emerged suggesting that the Neanderthals were developing complex thinking too. Together these facts are forcing a huge rethink about our origins and what makes us human.
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    Horizon - TV is Dead: Long Live TV

    Season 33 , Episode 1
    When inventor John Logie Baird's pioneering work came to fruition in November 1936, today's multi-channel satellite era was light years away. This Horizon programme asks whether the latest "improvements" have driven television into a cul-de-sac, and if there are any modern-day innovators to guide the medium into the 21st century.
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    Horizon - The Hunt for the legion killer

    Season 1981 , Episode 17
    Horizon investigates Legionnaires disease and the research being carried out in the USA to try find a cause and cure.